So my Foliage has become Invalid Foliage because of moving it from one level to another.
Whenever I move the invalid foliage up with the Foliage Mode and press END it crashes the editor.
This does not happen in 4.25 but I’m currently working with 4.21, is there any other way of making ±3500 foliage actors not Invalid?
I need it to be valid to modify my landscape without any hastles.
So once again I fixed my issue myself by pure persistence.
To fix this I had to move the InstancedFoliageActor itself a couple meters up so everything is off the landscape.
Then into the Foliage Tools, I select all foliage and pressed END and now it didn’t crash !
A couple foliage actors were floating above the trees now cause they were colliding with the trees for whatever reason but those were easy to fix.