UE 4.18.3
Good day everyone.
We have problem with GarbageCollection in packaged game. After 0.5 -1 minute game crashed. And show this message:
Fatal error: [File:D:\Build++UE4+Release-4.18+Compile\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\UObject\GarbageCollection.cpp] [Line: 1374]
When we use UE4.17 we do not have this problem.
I am trying to fix this problem since last week.
That is result of my research:
Case 1:
Widgets cause this problem. In log I can see messages like this
LogGarbage: Warning: Disregard for GC object CanvasPanel /Game/EOTBX_Library/WayPoints/Base/W_Waypoint.PLACEHOLDER-INST_of_W_Waypoint_C_0:WidgetTree_0.CanvasPanel_73 referencing VisibilityBinding /Game/EOTBX_Library/WayPoints/Base/W_Waypoint.PLACEHOLDER-INST_of_W_Waypoint_C_0:WidgetTree_0.CanvasPanel_73.VisibilityBinding_1 which is not part of root set
In this case GarbageCollection do not like Bind function GetWaypointVisibility.
In this function we use reference on WaypointComponet( Parent Class: SceneComponent). Usually we add this component to some simple actor blueprint.
If I remove reference on WaypointComponet from function and live this reference in widget it still call the same error. But when I remove reference from widget it fix problem for this widget.
Unfortunate reference on SceneComponent is not one problem.
Case 2:
LogGarbage: Warning: Disregard for GC object TextBlock /Game/RingMenuConstKit/WB_RingMenu.PLACEHOLDER-INST_of_WB_RingMenu_C_0:WidgetTree_0.DescText referencing TextBinding /Game/RingMenuConstKit/WB_RingMenu.PLACEHOLDER-INST_of_WB_RingMenu_C_0:WidgetTree_0.DescText.TextBinding_1 which is not part of root set
In this case GarbageCollection do not like Bind Variable ItemDescription(::Text).
And this internal variable is changed only in one function which have reference SelectedButton on WB_MenuButton(Parent class: User Widget).
In this case I have no idea hot to fix it.
Case 3:
Warning: Disregard for GC object MediaPlayer /Game/EOTB_X/VIDEOS/NewMediaPlayer.NewMediaPlayer referencing MediaPlaylist /Engine/Transient.MediaPlaylist_4 which is not part of root set
Have no idea what is wrong with that.
I will be appreciate for any help or advice how to fix it.
We use a lot of widget so re do all of them takes a lot of time.
We do not have any problem in version 4.17. Maybe rules for widget was changed.???