I’m currently using the 4.16.2 version of UE4 and i’m facing a “MASSIVE” problem right now …
I have a scene (blank one with unreal’s default properties [directional light , player start , etc] ) .
Inside i have an actor (just a StaticMesh , does nothing ) .
I want to make a small “cinematic” using the Sequencer .
Basically the camera is just doing circle around the actor and always in the same direction [this is what i want ]
So i put in some keyframes and place the camera using the "pilot mode " (or whatever it’s called ) and here come the issue …
Why on Earth would i want to see my camera do some " weird A.S 360 noscope rotation " stuff between two keyframes ?
There is 1 or 2 post about that on the answerhub (i can’t log in it for some reason --’ ) but they are 1yo and the bug is still not fixed !!
Apparently the problem is due to Gimbal Lock issue and the only “workaround” they found is to rotate the camera using the rotations values INSIDE the Sequencer timeline … WTF ???
It’s not practical at all cuz you have no precision with this except by doing a lot of “try to fit” .
So why is this issue still active since dat many time (i’ve seen post about that from 2014 … lulz ) ?
When is it gonna be really fixed ?
How are we supposed to doo some good cinematic with a problem THIS BIG ?
'Hopping to get some answer from dev cuz issues like that from so long can’t just be thrown away like that .
I ran into that problem too. It’s annoying but I found 2 workarounds :
first, try to use the LookAt feature of the cineCameraActor. I think it has been though this way… You can animate the target location if you want and I manage to attach the camera and the target on the same rail and they are animated together along it
The second workaround is moving the keys in the curve editor to remove the effect of the gimbal lock. It’s the way I usually do it in 3DS max where the gimbal lock is also a problem ^^. It do the trick in UE4 but it still inefficient… And hard to visualize as the key in UE4 contain only absolute world coordinates and the curve editor doesn’t know anything about relative rotation (as far as know)…
i’m not sure about "moving the key in the curve editor " … is it something like moving the key to make the interpolation line look flat between two key in the curve editor ?
Yes it is ! But it’s a pain in the *** because of the absolute world rotation system and you will have to compensate on the 3 axis even if you just want to rotate your camera a bit… I prefer the lookAt method, it’s very effective
Gimbal locks are inherent to the rotators and exist in almost every software using them…
In UDK, we can use quaternion to manage rotation without locks but it was really painful (for me at last^^).
I don’t think Epic devs can do anything to correct the physical laws / maths behind this, they might make the universe collapses if they try