UE4.27 Build and Package AKP Successfully but can't open on Oculus Quest 2

Hi, I am new to VR dev. I followed some tutorials and debug for weeks, I am able to build and launch on quest 2 through Project Lanucher and package .apk (Android ASTC) successfully. But they never be abled to open on Oculus Quest 2, it either keep loading with 3 dots or just flash out or pop out “app keep stopping” error.

Either my own project or UE VR Template work.

I have try different combination of version of Android API Level, SKD, NDK, JAVA, but none of them can be run on my Quest2. I have been stuck for 2 weeks, anyone may help?

Current Android Environment:
Android Studio 2022.1.1
SDK Platform: Android 10.0 (API 29)
SDK Build-Tools: 29.02
NDK: 21.1.6352462
JAVA: 1.8.0_361

I have also try:
-Android stuidio 4.0, but it got warning and I cannot open SDK manager
-SDK Build-Tools: 28.0.3, which is suggested by UE4.27 Doc and SetAndroid.bat
-NDK: 23.0.7599858, 21.4.7075529
JAVA: 1.8.0_301, 1.8.0_77
They package successfully but none of them run on Quest2.

  • Support arm64
  • Disable OpenGL ES3.1

I also tried to package UE5.0 VR template, it can be open on my Quest2. Yet, my UE5 VR template cannot teleport or grab things properly, either on VR Preview or Quest2. Which is another problem. ;((

Tutorials that I have gone through:
UE4.27 Doc

Building Quest 2 VR apps with Unreal Engine 4.27 (Win). (includes Android Studio SDK NDK JDK config)

How to Build Quest 2 VR Apps with Unreal Engine 4.27 | VR Development

I am also having the exact same issue :frowning:

I also have the same problem. Currently I can only debug the application by packaging it into an apk and then installing it. However, I tested quest1 and the same project can be built, installed, started and entered into the game through the project launcher. I think it is V63 system leads to

I have this issue as well.

Switched over from Oculus VR plugin to Oculus OpenXR due to the depreciation error, but the app will stall on startup (3 dots) until it crashes. Only happened after switching from target SDK 28 to 32, seems OpenXR doesn’t like SDK 32 and I havent found a way around it

Same here…

I’ll update with findings but it appears I’m on that journey 1 more time.



Solution was found in the link above by @Uno1982 !