UE4.24 C++ Unable to start a program UE4.exe

Hello, so I have a project and everything is running OK, I made some C++ classes I did the coding and everything is ok but I have an error when I start debugging. This is what it says


Is there any way to fix this? I would be very thankful if someone leaves a solution to this problem

Try separating the files if you can and then many you could find out what the problem is I’m not that good at c++ but I would try separating files or moving content to another project to see if that’s the problem.
Also try open the project snl visual studio file in you project and rebuilding the solution

I already did that with another project even did a blank project and it still gives me this error

Also this happens when I rebuild or build the solution

Ok I fixed it turns out you need to set your game vs project as the startup project

Where and how i need to do it?
I don’t understand…

In VS find your project (Games/yourproject) , right click to get to properties and in properties click set project as start project.