In UE4.18 I can use a wide texture which contais images for both eyes. A post process material has correct view uv-coordinates to draw the texture. But in UE4.19 it looks like now a post process material calls twice. Once for a left eye and once for a right eye. As a result both eyes get a same part of texture. Is there an any way to detect which eye is been rendering inside a post process material? I have my own render system to draw the sky for a virtual reality. What should I do?
Create a custom node (CMOT float1) in your PP material and paste the following:
return ResolvedView.StereoPassIndex;
Everything in the output below 0.5 will be left eye and everything above will be right eye. You can feed this as the alpha value to a Lerp, with textures fed into the A and B inputs for each eye.
Oh and don’t forget to feed in the right UVs. I use a ScreenAlignedUVs node, with a Constant2Vector storing the per-eye screen resolution