Hi, i just tried to build nVidia fork of unreal sourcecode to try out VR Works, so i:
- cloned https://github.com/NvPhysX/UnrealEngine.git repository, branch VRWorks-Graphics-4.16
- ran both .bat files correctly as in instructions
- since the company want to keep everything on network drives for backup/safety i applied “patch” described [here][1] to build from network drive, all fine
- first build gave me problem related to SetPipelineState so applied “patch” described [here][2], all fine
Subsequent build give no errors, but when i run UE4 (outside VS debugger) it show up start screen and when starting loading content it crashes (at 0% loading) with following error.
I’m not sure about it, but i think problem can be related to video/graphic stuff, WindowsD3D11Device make me think about Windows Direct3D 11.
Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance.
Graphic card: nVidia Quadro 3800, drivers just updated to 342.00
OS: Windows 7 professional 64bit, build 617601 SP1
System ram: 16GB