I dont understand what my issue could be… I’ve seen others talk about it but haven’t seen a confirmed/detailed answer. EVGA???
Hard to build,test, or do anything at 4FPS. This happens anytime I do a VR Preview.
You could try creating a new project using the “Virtual Reality” template and see how that runs?
Any demo/scene that hasn’t been optimised for VR will run badly (but not usually that bad), you can try messing around
with the post process volume in the scene, turning things off until you get better FPS.
If you go into the rendering tab of the project settings menu, and turn off Ambient Occlusion, Bloom and Motion Blur. Also, enabling “Instanced Stereo” and “Forward Shading” should give you some good FPS boosts (Forward shading disables a lot of nice looking stuff and messes with transparency though so I wouldn’t enable this unless you had too)
Thanks for the quick reply… Same issue with UE4 VR Template. Well I get 6-8 FPS in VR Template. I will upload a screen shot later today of it. Again thank for reaching out. Question… is there something that needs to be done in the UE4 VR Template that isnt set by default?