It can’t open project that you just created.the before project can not be open with UE4.12.5 also!
I think the bug maybe with the behavior tree,but I not sure about that!
Restart the machine and reinstall the UE4,But no effect!
PZ help me! thanks so much!
- Please provide your Machine ID from the Crash Reporter window and ensure to hit Send & Close on the report.
- Is this occurring in every project, or just one project?
- Are you able to reproduce the crash in a clean project?
- If so, please provide a detailed list of repro steps.
the picture is Mechine ID above.and thanks first!
- Is this occurring in every project, or just one project?------(every previous project.)
- Are you able to reproduce the crash in a clean project?-------(yes,UE4 can startup,but if you create a project with the preset files or a blank,then it’s the load process…and I’m Not yet see the project interface,the Crash Reporter window is pop up.)
- And I remember when I use the BehaviorTree and double click the service node in the selector that below the root. then Bad things always Crash and all the previous projects can’t be open,even you create a clean blank one …and it has not finished loading…then crash.
- I reinstall it about four times and before this I delete the program folder4.12 sometimes …restart the computer several times,but not work…
Thanks for providing that information. Could you please provide your dxdiag?
- Try updating your graphics card drivers.
- Does this occur if you attempt to run 4.11.2?
I concur. 4.12.x (currently 5) is crashing like crazy for me. Crashes every time I “save all”. I have to be careful and save objects individually.
Hey Michael,
Please provide your dxdiag. Also, are you able to reproduce this in a clean project? If so, please provide a detailed list of repro steps.
no,it just happened on 4.12.5,the version4.11.2 work well!
Did you try to update your graphics card drivers, or ensure that you are using the latest?
I just try,the drivers is latest, but problem is going on…thanks anyway…
- Are you using any external plugins?
- Does your project name or username contain any special characters?
I am marking this topic as resolved for tracking purposes, as we have not heard from you in a few days. If this issue persists, feel free to respond to this thread. For any new issues, please create a new Answerhub topic.
Have a great day
Hey Sean. Solved the problem after many hours of frustration. Turns out it was a third party (not mine) blueprint that was lingering around in a folder. It came from an example project that had been migrated over several engine versions ago. I wasn’t even using the blueprint in my project but it just being there was causing a crash on save all (even if I hadn’t edited it). Since removing it the engine has been much more stable.