UE project's content is being deleting for no reason

Hey everyone, first time posting here so hopefully this is the right place.

I have a weird issue with a recent project I’ve started on UE 5.1; I would work on the project for a couple days just to find out that everything was deleted… The project’s folder still exists, and the uproject is there too. But the content folder is empty, along with other folders that UE creates for a project. So basically as if I started from the beginning… Launching the uproject will just load the default UE map.

This happened twice! And on the same project. The first time it happened I thought I did something wrong that got rid of the assets, so I re-implemented the project but then it just happened again… I woke up just to find out everything is gone again. And there’s nothing on the recycle bin.

Just wondering if anyone faced anything like this before? Or if there’s something known that would possibly cause this? Any help would be appreciated and I’m happy to answer any questions to help debug this.

Note that the project only consists of few blueprints and materials, and just one saved scene.

Many thanks!

It can happen, that the editor doesn’t take you back to the folder you were working in, previously.

Try going to the content browser ( content folder ), and highlighting ‘level’ in the search filter.

Do you see your levels then?

Hey Clockwork,

Thanks for the reply! Sadly I see nothing, the project has been reset completly. I’ve attached a screenshot of what I get when I first open the project.

Also a screenshot of the content folder on the drive.

Screenshot 2023-05-22 200135

Ok, weird. Sorry, no idea…

Yeah it’s confusing, nothing makes sense…
But thank you anyways! I appreciate the time.

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