UE_LOG not defined in Visual Studio

I’m currently doing the Udemy course by GameDev.tv and I want to create a C++ class using Visual Studio (it’s the Mover component to move a wall in the CryptRaider project, if you know the course).

The problem is that when I create a new C++ component and Visual Studio launches, Intellisense Autocompletion does not work for some reason. I am tasked with logging a message using UE_LOG(), but when I type “log”, I first have to scroll down all the way to find my desired command and even then it tells me the following Error:

In English it means: “The designation UE_LOG is not defined”

When I click on “Show possible corrections”, it adds the following line to the top of the code:
#include “…/…/…/…/…/…/…/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_5.0/Engine/Plugins/Enterprise/DatasmithCADImporter/Source/DatasmithCADTranslator/Private/DatasmithCADTranslator.cpp”

which I guess is supposed to include the syntax highlighting and autocompletion for UE-4 commands, but that doesn’t fix it either.

How can I turn on the autocompletion options for UE-4 commands in Visual Studio (not VS Code)? Why did it break in the first place? All I did was create a new project and suddenly it seems to have forgotten about it’s own references? Or did I use VS Code before and had the Intellisense plugin for UE-4 installed, but after I made a new project, the Unreal Editor changed the preferences to normal Visual Studio as the default editor, which didn’t have the plugin for syntax highlighting installed?

I find it difficult to navigate and troubleshoot this IDE so I’m at a loss on what to do.

Also, for some reason, when the class is created, it only opens the header file mover.h automatically in Visual Studio, when normally it would immediately open both the .h and the .cpp file. Is this normal when adding C++ actor components instead of C++ actors?

You need to fill in the macro parameters for it to be ab le to make sense of it