UE "forgets" the plugin functions, yet I can still call them.

I’m using the EMS plugin for Unreal Engine 5, but after rebooting my computer, the plugin stopped working correctly. Unreal Editor seems to have “forgotten” the plugin’s functions, which causes a lot of errors to appear as soon as I start a project. Of course I can fix it, but when I restart it all goes back again. This leads us to the fact that I can still call those functions in the event graph that Unreal can’t find. What could be the cause of these problems? While writing this text, I noticed that ue “forgets” not only the plugin functions, but also a few of my c++ files, to be more precise 2 of my custom Post Processes.

Thanks in advance to everyone for replies! This decides the fate of my project, really

I’d like to add something I’ve already tried:

  1. Completely uninstall and reinstall the EMS plugin.
  2. All possible rebuilds in MS VS (solution, ue, and the project itself)
  3. Migrated the assets to a new empty project (Didn’t help! This is very strange btw)