UE doesn't render reflections of foliage with lumen

Hi everyone! Currently struggling with rendering a mesh with water and some foliage on the background. On the first picture there are no reflections of the trees from the background in the water and on the second picture there are reflections.
I figured out that in Post Process Volume if I keep Reflections at Lumen than it occures that Movie Render Queue doesn’t render the reflections of the foliage in the water but If I change Reflections to Screen Space than it renders perfectrly with needed reflections.
What should I do to make Movie Render Queue render reflections with Lumen?

Also, I can’t find why in the viewport all the reflections start to disappear until they fully disappear when I look lower the shore line so that I see trees less. When I look back up at the trees than reflections appear. (3rd and 4th pics)