UE-81921 has this bug re-surfaced in Unreal Version: 4.27.2-0+++UE4+Release-4.27 ( unreal editor version)
( Rotate Around Point Niagara Module disregards current particle position thus making it unusable in conjunction with other forces and/or particle initial velocity ( disregarding convoluted workarounds using the output position))
Greetings @anonymous_user_9d78e34f1 !
Welcome to the UE community! 
If you haven’t already, would you mind reporting your bug to our team? The Unreal Engine bug submission form can be found here. When submitting a report, we highly encourage everyone to include images and videos, but any and all details are helpful!
We may reach out if more information is needed.
Hello Get_DOVAH_it,
Before submitting a bug, I would like to kindly ask anyone reading this, who might be an experienced user, to please explain how Rotate About Point Module in Niagara is supposed to be used, or even just answer with a simple Yes if they know the following to be true: Add Velocity + Rotate About Point should create identical behavior in Niagara to the behavior Initial Velocity + Orbit would create in Cascade ( desired behavior).
Like most users, I am fairly new to Niagara and I am trying to get my bearings by replicating basic Cascade workflows. It is therefore possible that I don’t have the correct understanding about these modules, and if so I do apologize.
However, having gone through several tutorials and the basic documentation on the unreal help website, it does seem to me that Rotate About Point is the intended replacement of the old Orbit module.
Furthermore, reading about this bug: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-81921) I gather from the issue description that indeed my understanding of the Rotate About Point is correct. The issue is marked as Fixed in UE 4.25 but I have tested it in UE 4.27.2 and also in UE 5.0.1 and the result is the wrong behavior exactly as described in the link above ( that is, Rotate About Point ignores any previous data on particle position, velocity modules or force modules)
So could anyone with actual knowledge on the matter please confirm this is a bug or otherwise correct my assumptions?
Thank you very much!
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for anyone interested, I have submitted ## Case # 00500076 ( I guess it is still pending approval as actual bug)
Following more testing that I did, I realized that my issue is NOT in fact the same as UE-81921, however it is related and also still to my understanding at this point the “Rotate About Point” module is at least partially broken.
Will update this thread if any news.
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Hello everyone,
The bug was approved: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-171604)
The steps to reproduce that you can see in the bug description are slightly different than those I initially laid out because it turns out the Rotate about Point is indeed broken when used together with other types of movement.
I suggest that everyone who enjoyed using the old Orbit module in Cascade log in and vote to prioritize this issue.
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