UE 5 texture exposure from sunlight

I have imported several objects into UE 5 and the areas where the textures are exposed to the direct sunlight is very agressive and looks very bloomy. Does anyone know why this is and how to fix it? Ive also included a picture of the textures from substance.

Also, I have messed with the PPV but could get the brightness of the textures to go away

I think it is just a very faded texture anyway? Once you get the sun on it, it will be even more so.

Directional light of 3.5 - 5 is fine for midday sun, so maybe use that as a starting point.

You can also try putting a power node on the albedo in the material ( 1.25 - 1.5 ), which is very good at compensating for this sort of thing.

Nice models, BTW…