I have an archviz scene I’m building and everything looks great. I dropped in an ocean view usingthe water materials shader on UE marketplace and I get a large black line on the horizon.
I first tried moving the sky sphere (Ultra Dynamic Sky) up, but to no avail.
Exploring around I found that its actually a shadow which seems to move with the screen space, so making the ocean place bigge/moving sky sphere is not a solution. I’ve also made sure my reflection captures are set up correctly.
I wondering if it is a lumens limit as the entire scene is lit with the directional light inside UDS
Already have an exponential height fog in there. In fact I thought that could be the problem. Still getting the black line. It seems like it a screenspace shadowing issue.
Thanks for the help though, still not fixed though
Hi Lina,
It was quite a while ago, but I think there are a few solutions.
The black line can be the lower hemisphere of your skysphere. So either raise (or lower) your skysphere until the black line disappears OR make it so the lower hemisphere of your skysphere is the same colour as your upper hemisphere.
I cant find the settings right now, after a quick look you can find a ‘horizon falloff’ setting inside the skyspheres details panel.
Messing around with that may also clear/reduce the black horizon line.
Let me know how it goes.