I am developing a VR game and after switching to UE 5.5 the image got blurry. I already realized that vrPixelDensity is gone and used xr.SecondaryScreenPercentage.HMDRenderTarget. With exactly the same settings the image does not look that crisp and even looses 10fps. I am using deferred shading with TSR anti aliasing. You can even see it in the viewport so its not only a VR issue its only in VR much more obvious. I hope someone can help me UE55 fixed a couple of VR issues I do not want to miss.
Hey @hieblertom, it’s possible that some default TSR settings changed between 5.4 and 5.5 And since you can reproduce it in the viewport it has nothing to do w. changes in our stereo rendering path. You can try the following cvars to see if they might improve your results:
r.TSR.Velocity.WeightClampingSampleCount and r.TSR.Velocity.WeightClampingPixelSpeed defaults to 4. You can try lower them to 2, and use VisualizeTSR show flag in top left corner of the viewport, or with r.TSR.Visualize.
Hi @VictorLerp, thanks for your reply. I tried the TSR settings you recommended but its super hard to see any difference. I do not know if this is related to the TSR because if you compare the two images certain things like the scattered stones look the same where other things like the Nanite Landscape with tessellation on it almost loses the whole detail in certain areas, and the foliage (nanite quixel assets without any opacity mask just geo ) looks completly different in 551.
I Also saw super blurred aereas on the landscape surface when I am looking from a very steep angle when I come closer they dissapear.
I just instaled 5.5, and got the same problem. Did you found the solution? Thanks!
Sorry nobody replied to this issue yet, I had to go back to EU5.4 hopefully its fixed in the next mayor release.