UE 5.5 Animations freeze when occlussion culling is disabled


I am experiencing an issue with Unreal Engine 5.5. When I create a new project, disable occlusion culling, and set the shadow quality to low, any skeletal mesh with an animation playing stops functioning. This did not occur in Unreal Engine 5.4.4.

Does anyone know if this is a bug or if I am missing something?

Thank you!


Same problem…
UE 5.5.1 the latest version.

Always tick pose is default.
Always tick pose and Refresh bones somewhat solves the issue.

Also experiencing this issue in UE 5.5

Have you found a workaround / solution for this?

I’m also having this issue since 5.5 with animations directly set on meshes instead of using animation blueprints (these work for me).

Another weird thing happening related to this, but only when I’m using Android Vulkan Preview, is that widgets (health bars in my case) don’t update, see these two clips below.

With occlusion culling enabled (expected behaviour):

Occlusion culling disabled:

Can confirm, this is still broken in 5.5.3.