UE 5.4 - Panel Cloth - Metahumans - Collisions and Physics Assets

Hi all,

I am trying to get the new panel cloth system to work with Metahumans.
However, I am facing two fundamental problems, that prevent me from using cloth simulation for my Metahumans.

First, let’s outline the problem:

Metahuman Setup
Metahumans use two separate skeletal meshes, one for the head and neck, the other one for the body.

There is no way to combine these two skeletal meshes, as far as I know.
I have tried many different solutions using Maya and Unreal Engine, to no avail.

This leads to the fact that you have two meshes with skin weights and physics assets.

Skin Weights
Skin weights are important, as we need to transfer them to the cloth asset.
Currently, I use the skeletal mesh of the body to transfer skin weights.
However, that mesh is missing the weights for the neck and shoulder area, as they are part of the head.

If we take a look at upper-body clothing, we can see that the neck and shoulder area is the area that most clothing sits on. Therefore, being able to transfer weights for that area would be great.

The solution to this: The combined mesh from Maya

If you have access to Maya, you can export your Metahuman from Quixel Bridge to Maya.
The exported Metahuman again consists of 2 separate skeletal meshes.
However, there is a third, combined mesh.

It follows the general body type naming convention, mine is called: f_tal_unw_combined_lod0_mesh

If we compare the skin weights for spine_04 and the clavicle bones, we can see that the combined mesh is better suited for cloth simulation:

Standard Metahuman Body Mesh - f_tal_unw_body_lod0_mesh
Standard Metahuman Body Mesh

Combined Mesh - f_tal_unw_combined_lod0_mesh
Combined Metahuman Body Mesh

So in general for typical metahuman body meshes, we can use the combined mesh from Maya to use for the Transfer Skin Weight Node in the Panel Cloth Editor.

As far as I know, that is only possible for people using Maya.
My suggestion: Adjust the import workflow so that the combined mesh gets imported into Unreal Engine by default.

Now if we look at custom metahuman models, the only way to solve this problem is to export your separate, customized meshes into maya and transfer the skin weights from the combined mesh to your custom meshes.

Physics Assets
Physics assets can be generated for skeletal meshes. Within the panel cloth workflow, they are used for collisions.

We face the same problem as with the skin-weights.
We have two separate skeletal meshes.
Each can have a great physics asset with really good mesh-coverage using convex hull or level sets.
However, a combined physics asset cannot be created.

Altough I can add some basic shapes to the body physics asset that mimic neck and shoulders, it lacks precision and often leads to gaps between the body and clothes.

In this case, the combined mesh from Maya does not help in any way.
We are stuck with an “okay” solution by adjusting the body physics asset to make up for the missing neck and shoulder colliders.

Kinematic Collider

Nevertheless, Panel Cloth for UE 5.4 introduced an alternative collision solution.
It uses a static mesh and transfers the skin weights of the skeletal mesh onto it.

Note: We face the same problem as with the transfer skin weight mentioned above

It could be a viable solution for metahumans, but I could not get it to work properly.

The problem is that the only mesh that can be used for this workflow is the complete-mesh we get in Maya.
However, that mesh is different from the actual mesh that is used in the scene later on.

I tried to research every little thing there is, but without a full tutorial on “how to do panel cloth for Metahumans the right way”, most of us will be lost.

If anyone has figured this out and can help me, I would be super grateful.


I’m trying to do exactly what you are, and yeah, so far it doest work.

I exported the combined LOD 0 mesh from the Maya source file, and used that to create the kinematic collider. I got a bit confused about you saying that we need a rigged full body - the static mesh “full body” doesn’t need bones, it is fine to be just a static mesh (based on Tim Brakensiek’s documents). The nodes are - static mesh import, transfer skin weights; and selection. I followed all that, but yeah, doesn’t work.

We will get a much clearer example when they release project talisman. I don’t know when that will be though.

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Peace everyone,

I’ve been having trouble with the same issue, finally solved by combining the head and body meshes with their bones in Blender, and using the new skeletal mesh for the skin weight transfer.

I didn’t do anything fancy, just normal exports from Unreal, then in blender importing them, use join on them then export as fbx, when importing to Unreal I import without specifying a skeleton so Unreal creates a new one which I then use in the cloth asset.

I’m not using the new full body mesh in the metahuman, only for the cloth asset skin weights.

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Hey there, I have been searching for days for someone who seems to get this to work and I think you are the only one lol. Is there a video or tutorial you can point me to that shows how you were able to do it?

are there any resources that you can point me to that show how to do this?

hey Palermo!

sorry for the late reply I’m not very active on forums, I will list you all the tutorials and documentations I went through, I just tried to understand the system as much as I can from complete angles, other than these I also experimented with different graph nodes. I might make a complete tutorial myself at a later point but we’re currently swamped with too many projects

Echo Cape Tutorial | Epic Developer Community (epicgames.com)

Echo Collision Tutorial | Epic Developer Community (epicgames.com)

Panel Cloth Editor | Epic Developer Community (epicgames.com)

Panel Cloth - Editor Walkthrough & Updates (5.4) | Epic Developer Community (epicgames.com)

Panel Cloth - Dataflow and Collision Updates (5.4) | Epic Developer Community (epicgames.com)

Panel Cloth Example Files (5.4) | Epic Developer Community (epicgames.com)

Panel Cloth Transfer Skin Weights Node | Epic Developer Community (epicgames.com)

This is great, thank you!

welcome :+1:t4:

peace palermo, Goblination just released a tutorial on kinematic collider

Create Amazing Simulations with Chaos Cloth in UE5.4 // Kinematic Collider Walkthrough - YouTube

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Thank you!!

If only we had a node to Merge Skeletal Meshes, it would be so simple ! Just load your cloth mesh, transfer the skin weight from the Had and additively the body, and boom.