I have a question regarding the workflow in combination with Metahumans.
In general, Metahumans come in 2 parts - body and head mesh.
However, the head mesh contains part of the neck / shoulders as well, which is an area that is crucial for cloth simulation.
Now, when I want to use the cloth simulation with metahumans, I am having trouble with 2 steps:
- Transferring weight
- I have to decide whether I want to transfer weights either from body or from the head mesh of a metahuman. As I see it, there is no way to do both, as it would require a joint skeletal mesh, which does not exist.
- Physics Assets
There is no way to create a combined physics asset that has a good representation of the body as well as the shoulder / neck area. I can create great physics assets for the body and the head mesh separately, using Convex Hull or Level Set, but never a good combined asset.
Kinematic collider looks very promising, but for that I would also need a joined skeletal mesh that contains skin weights. Which is something we don’t have with Metahumans.
Is there a solution to this when it comes to Metahumans? I looked into merging skeletal meshes in Maya but that does not work out too well.
All in all, great work with the cloth assets and the tutorial
Edit: I have created a separate question thread for this, outlining the problem in more detail - UE 5.4 - Panel Cloth - Metahumans - Collisions and Physics Assets