UE 5.4 CITY SAMPLE DDC Error when rendering


I have recently encountered an error when trying to render the City Sample projects with UE 5.4. It prompts an error (not a crash until the error is acknowledge) right before it is getting ready to render and starts to build shaders. It seems to be somehow related to the DDC. However, I have deleted the DDC, moved the DDC, reinstalled the engine, created a new city sample project, but still get the same result. This is only happening when trying to render from the “SMALL_City_LVL” with only a portion of the city loaded. No trafic or crowd simulation, just the city. I can render an empty lebel within the same project and can render other projects with 5.4 without getting any erros so I am assuming this is something very specific to the level.

This is the error window I get - UE does not crash, just freezes so no crash reports.
File path: “C:/Users/…/AppData/Local/Temp/UnrealShaderWorkingDir/36C7BB444F3FB09890374FBB110AC677/0/WorkerOutputOnly.out”
Expecting single job header ID 0x00000053, got 0x00000000 instead!
Forgot to build ShaderCompileWorker or delete invalidated DerivedDataCache?

I am wondering if anyone has seen these issued before and if is a bug or something that may have a fix. I’ve looked around without any luck yet.

Thanks in Advance

Found the culparte for this metahuman issue
For some reason on this level the Skin Cache on the face is creating some issues. On default it is set to ‘Enabled’ but when I change it to ‘Auto’ The issue stops. Not sure if this will cause any other issues or removes any quality from the head yet but the annoying sizzling is gone.

Also related. When I bring in a metahuman to the same project I get this weird Zfighting. This is also only happening in this project only.