I have recently encountered an error when trying to render the City Sample projects with UE 5.4. It prompts an error (not a crash until the error is acknowledge) right before it is getting ready to render and starts to build shaders. It seems to be somehow related to the DDC. However, I have deleted the DDC, moved the DDC, reinstalled the engine, created a new city sample project, but still get the same result. This is only happening when trying to render from the “SMALL_City_LVL” with only a portion of the city loaded. No trafic or crowd simulation, just the city. I can render an empty lebel within the same project and can render other projects with 5.4 without getting any erros so I am assuming this is something very specific to the level.
This is the error window I get - UE does not crash, just freezes so no crash reports.
File path: “C:/Users/…/AppData/Local/Temp/UnrealShaderWorkingDir/36C7BB444F3FB09890374FBB110AC677/0/WorkerOutputOnly.out”
Expecting single job header ID 0x00000053, got 0x00000000 instead!
Forgot to build ShaderCompileWorker or delete invalidated DerivedDataCache?
I am wondering if anyone has seen these issued before and if is a bug or something that may have a fix. I’ve looked around without any luck yet.
Thanks in Advance