UE 5.3 Can't move my character anymore :/ BUG

Hello, I was doing tests to improve the crouch, except that it didn’t suit me. So, I did Ctrl + Z several times to undo and go back to get something working again. Except that now, I absolutely can’t move my character, apart from the camera in first person (it’s an empty level). I realized that the Charatcer Movement of my BP_Player no longer has details displayed and the same for other things in this Blueprint. I even get errors showing up after trying to play…
So if anyone could please help me it would be a huge help.

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This has happened to me a few times and the only way I managed to fix it was to change the property name inside C++. Since you are using BP that won’t work though (sadge).
Try duplicating the blueprint (ctrl + d) and see if the new blueprint has the same problem.

Edit: Now that I think about it, deleting intermediate and binary folders and recompiling your project might also work …

Having the same problem

Can you be more specific on how to edit the character component in c++ and what to change, I only personally use blueprints and don’t understand any of it.

Can you be more specific on how to edit the character component in c++ and what to change, I only personally use blueprints and don’t understand any of it.

Character class inside the engine code has a property(a variable which belongs to an object/class) of type TObjectPtr<UCharacterMovementComponent> which is what you see in blueprint editor inside the components list.
In my case it was a custom component that got this bug not character movement component. I changed the component property name and recompiled my project which solved the problem. I then returned the name to what it was and compiled again and it wasn’t bugged again. So you have a few options to try:
1 - Like I said duplicate the character BP and check if this solves the problem. Replace every instance of current BP with the duplicated one.

2 - Delete intermediate and binaries folders and rerun your project. You will see a dialogue that says your game module is missing and asks if you want to rebuild. Press yes. It takes a few seconds but your project will run after that. Check if BP is fixed.

3 - Inside these two files change all occurences of property “CharacterMovement” to something else, compile your project and check if the BP is fixed. After that change back the files changed to their original state. You can copy them before changing or from the epic launcher validate engine files.



I ended up not being able to really do all that, but I did use the reference viewer to replace all cast from the ruined BP to a new one with the component working. I guess it’s a fix but took a while.

Same thing just happened to me in 5.3. Undid a few changes, recompiled the blueprint and my Movement Component is no longer displaying details and the pawn is stuck in place. Won’t even respond to gravity anymore if I start the game with the pawn in the air. Hope there’s a fix for this soon.


I also encountered this problem, I fixed it by transferring all the drawings to another pawn, and manually transferring all the variables, today this error occurred again, I’m in despair

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Hey, this has just happened to me, I may have to do what kr4b41k did

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This happened to me also. Version 5.3. Tried renaming the character, changed directory etc. NOTHING WORKS. I even tried a test char with a cube in it and AI, it does not move at all.
■■■■ this piece of ■■■■ buggy software. Im switching to Godot damnit.