UE 5.2 Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Error


Since UE 5.1 my packaged project doesn´t start on another PC, instead it shows this Error. (Windows)

Greetings @SerkanAyhan1973

Welcome back to the Unreal Forums! That is an error indicating that the PC you’re trying to package on is missing some of the redistributables most likely. You’ll likely have to go download and install the missing C++ redistributables. (There’s a few of them you’ll find on the Microsoft site. I usually get them all. But, definitely ensure you get latest versions) I hope that helps!

Thank you for the quik awnser. I will try it out and if i have more questions i will ask them

Sounds great! I hope it was helpful!

I reinstalled Visual studio and installed every redistributable but the same error shows up.
Could there be any other reason for this error ?

Not that I’m aware offhand. The error when it pops up is specifically saying that it’s missing C++ Runtimes and if you’d like to install them. When that pops up and you click ‘Yes’, is it reinstalling the same files you went and downloaded or does it download new ones?

Were you able to resolve the issue?

I installed UE 5.0.3 and it works
I updated UE 5.1 to UE 5.1.1 and it works which it didnt at 5.1
I also reinstalled UE 5.2 but with this version it doesnt work.
Im just gonna use 5.1.1


When i click “Yes”, it will install the following file

I see! I’m glad that you got it to work for you. With the 5.2 issue, was it unable to be used there due to compatibility?

Yes i think so, im just going to wait for updates and check if it works somehow. Until then i use 5.1.1 since it works just fine. Thanks for your help

You’re most welcome! I’m happy it’s working!

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