UE 5.2 Decals in one project cause the app to crash on android phones with Mali GPU but on another projects works fine on the same devices.

I have a project in UE 5.2 for mobile platforms. It was built upon the top down template. When I build the project for android and test on devices, it works fine on some but crashes on others as soon as a decal comes inside the camera frustum. The only thing I found common in the devices that crash the game was that they had Mali GPU. So just to make sure that the issue was hardware related I created a top down project in UE 5.2 for mobile and blueprint with starter assets selected and added a decal to test if it causes the app to crash on the device. The app worked fine on the same device without crashing when the decal was on the screen.
(Note that once I found out that the decals were causing the issue I did all these tests without applying any material to the decal, to rule out the possibility of a material issue).
After this I tried comparing the settings of both projects, specially the rendering setting and the android settings. I made the settings identical on both projects but still the app crashes in one project but does not in the other when the decal is on the screen. I also checked the world settings and could not find any difference in the rendering settings.
I tried this very simple level in my initial project with just a plane a light source ( also without a light source) but it always crashes.

I am stuck and don’t know how to debug this issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.