UE 5.2.0, Epic Online Services, Advanced Sessions Plugin, Dedicated server: bPresenceEnabled requires a valid local user

I ran into this issue when I was trying to Create Advanced Session with the Epic Online Services Online Subsystem:

LogEOSSDK: Error: LogEOSSessions: bPresenceEnabled requires a valid local user.
LogOnlineSession: Error: EOS: EOS_Sessions_CreateSessionModification() failed with EOS result code (EOS_InvalidUser)

…which resulted in the session failing to create.

This is due to the fact that Allow Invites is true by default in the Create Advanced Session node and in UE 5.2.0 this results in bPresenceEnabled being set to true deep underneath, which will then prevent a session from being created because there’s no real user on a dedicated server to enable presence for.

In UE 5.2.0, these have to be set to false (unchecked) in the Create Advanced Sessions node for a dedicated server to be able to create a session:

  • Allow Invites
  • Allow Join Via Presence
  • Allow Join Via Presence Friends Only
  • Use Presence

This issue is likely to stay related to only 5.2.0 as the code seems to have changed in a subsequent commit. Many thanks to ieuan for pointing this out on Discord.

…leaving this here for others.


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