While testing UE 5.1.0 preview 1, all my converted 5.0.3 projects crash when opening them on Quest 2.
Also tested a brand new VR template project. Enabled plugins OpenXr and OculusVR. Set to 'native OpenXR with Oculus vendor extensions. When starting on Quest 2, its only three blinking dots and an immediate crash without ever opening VR.
Debug log shows ‘F DEBUG : Cause: null pointer dereference’ and lots of ‘libUnreal.so’ debug info (some referring to Vulkan).
Any suggestions how to fix this OR is it a 5.1.0p1 bug?
Does this fix also address this crash happening in UE5.1? Assertion failed: DepthSwapchainDesc.Extent.X == SizeX && DepthSwapchainDesc.Extent.Y == SizeY [File:D:\build\++UE5\Sync\Engine\Plugins\Runtime\OpenXR\Source\OpenXRHMD\Private\OpenXRHMD.cpp] [Line: 2190]
This one is not related to the Quest and happens on Desktop on my Valve Index, with forward rendering enabled, DX11/12 and SM5/6 don’t matter either for this one.
Can confirm this one worked for me with my Vive classic. Although I have another issue where about 2 seconds into running the preview, my entire PC just freezes…
Update: I packaged my project and ran it via the generated .exe, ran perfectly well in VR, so whatever is causing my computer to freeze while trying to run the preview in editor is editor related
When I launch VR preview on 5.1 P2 using SteamVR I get this crash:
Assertion failed: IsInGameThread() [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Plugins\Runtime\Steam\SteamVR\Source\SteamVR\Private\SteamVRHMD.cpp] [Line: 1579]
I also tried packaging the came and I get the same error. Everything runs as normal on 5.0.3. There is another post with someone with the same issue and they note a branch of UE that fixes it but I am suprised it is still an issue in 5.1 p2.