While testing UE 5.1.0, I tried convert my VR project from 5.0.3 to 5.1 and package to oculus quest1. But All textures appear to be anomalously colored. See below movie.
This does not occur within the editor, but only when packaged,
And probably the following warning message is output to the log when loading textures.
LogImageWrapper: Warning: PNG Warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
Try these settings on the Rendering Session:
Mobile shading = Deferred Shading
Mobile anti-Aliasing Method = Fast Approximate Anti-Aliasing (FXAA)
Enable Mobile HDR
Disable Multi-View
I tried the above settings and built on the QUEST. When I did so, the strange texture color phenomenon was indeed cured, but instead the images on the left side of the left and right displays of the Quest were displayed out of alignment.
I get the Oculus Quest 1 with UE5.1 and I had the same issue with the color textures.
Using the settings of user GTOGfr + no Lumen + no Nanite, it works for me.
I had the same problem, using UE5.2.1 packaging for Oculus Quest 1, and I find the solution for both problems.
.Render issues
Remove all SKYLIGHT and REFLECTION CAPTURES (actors and BP components) from your map.
Menu Build > Build All Levels.
Package and test.
If the render problem persist, your package maybe is carring old cached shaders, try to do a Full Rebuild (Project Settings > Packaging > Project > Full Rebuild).
.LogImageWrapper: Warning: PNG Warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
This error is caused by VRTemplate itself, both creating a new VRTemplate Game from UE Browser or by Adding VRTemplate Pack to your project.
The reason is that some Textures (mostly from \Characters\MannequinsXR\Textures Folder) are somehow linked to \Engine\Templates\VRTemplates folder.
The files look normal on your Content browser but when you try to package, because Templates are folders marked to not package, you end up with lots of textures pointing to empty files and it raise the error in ImageWrapper.
You can “preview” this error in the Editor if you try to save textures (without open before):
If you try Open+Save manually you see in the Output log the files loaded in TMP locations still with the original Template file name, before moving to your Content folder when saved:
LogSavePackage: Moving output files for package: /Game/Characters/MannequinsXR/Textures/Quinn/T_Quinn_01ID_D
LogSavePackage: Moving ‘…/…/…/…/…/TestVR/Saved/T_Quinn_01ID_D444D33874978A94453A538AE272BAD7A.tmp’ to ‘…/…/…/…/…/TestVR/Content/Characters/MannequinsXR/Textures/Quinn/T_Quinn_01ID_D.uasset’
One way to fix this error is to select ALL textures from VRTemplate in your project , right-click > Asset Action > Load , right-click > Save, then package. (again like the previous error, maybe a full rebuild will be necessary)
Remove all SKYLIGHT and REFLECTION CAPTURES (actors and BP components) from your map.
Thank you so much!!
That did it!
I’m new to UE and I tried the Games->Virtual Reality project template and also had those funky colors. After trying all kinds of settings and color spaces it only helped to remove the skylight and the reflection object.
Anybody trying to do the same thing with an oculus/meta quest 1 and the meta xr plugin, this is the solution
For anyone landing here, I’m using a Quest 1 and I got rid of this texture issues by following Meta’s and Unreal Engine 5.1.1 setup instructions from here:
Then I just created a project using the VR template and the textures issue was solved by removing the reflection capture object from the scene and using a cubemap in the SkyLight instead of a Captured Scene. If you set the Skylight as static you won’t get any reflections in movable objects, if you need that you’ll need to make the Skylight stationary.