UE 5.0 CitySample PixelStreaming triggers Could not create encoder error

When I run PixelStreaming against CitySample, I get the following error from the standalone game:

[2022.04.18-12.59.47:585][628]LogEncoderAMF: Amf initialised with D3D12
[2022.04.18-12.59.47:620][629]LogPixelStreaming: Error: Could not create encoder. Check encoder config or perhaps you used up all your HW encoders.

My environment:

  • Unreal 5.0.0 built from source
  • AMD RX6800
  • AMD Adrenalin 22.4.1 driver
  • RHI = DirectX 12 and SM5

In contrast, PixelStreamingDemo on 5.0 works fine with the above configuration. Has anyone experienced this error when trying to PixelStream CitySample?

For my setup this is resolved in the latest UE 5.0.1. Will mark as resolved