UE 5.0.3 Niagara Particles not showing on flipped actors.

Hello everybody, my first post here and i hope to find a solution. I’ve alredy searched but i can’t find anything similar to my issue.

I have a bunch of modular static meshes built with a niagara emitter attached with so i can light it up via blueprint.
It works fine, but on flipped actors.
Since some roof pieces are only facing one side i have to flip along one axis, but it flip the whole actor and probably the particles facing, so they are visible onyl when the actor it’s selected.
There’s a practical solution other than exporting, flipping and reimportg every piece of building?

About that mesh error, the system works fine, any other options visually reset the emitter, but i have to keep that way since all the actors are child of a master blueprint and i don’t wanna have different NIagara system for every building piece.

Edit: Some typos and an aupdate.
Flipping the mesh flip the normals too, there’s a non destructive way to make it whitout messing it?
Alredy tried to diplicate and recompute the normals in the models tab, but when i add to a blueprint it revert to his previous orientation or with the flipped normals.