(UE 4.7.6) Lightmass crashed - Array index out of bounds

Hello! I have very urgent project but all the time one error appears:

LightingResults:Error: Error === Lightmass crashed: ===
Assertion failed: (Index >= 0) & (Index < ArrayNum) [File:D:\BuildFarm\buildmachine_++depot+UE4-Releases+4.7\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Containers\Array.h] [Line: 679]
Array index out of bounds: 20672066 from an array of size 20672066

full output Log:

MapCheck: New page: Map Check
LogEditorServer: Rebuildmap Clear paths rebuilt
LightingResults: New page: Lighting Build - May 29, 2015, 9:18:39 PM
LogDialogs:Warning: Supressed: The following levels will not have the lighting rebuilt because of your selected lighting build options: /Game/425_pRED_assets/Maps/Kern09C, /Game/425_pRED_assets/Maps/Kern09B, /Game/425_pRED_assets/Maps/Kern07L_laengs, /Game/425_pRED_assets/Maps/Kern06E, /Game/425_pRED_assets/Maps/KernL7_cA, /Game/425_pRED_assets/Maps/KernL7_cB, /Game/425_pRED_assets/Maps/Kern07L_NBH_floor, /Game/425_pRED_assets/Maps/fassade_B_ccf
LogStaticLightingSystem: Running Lightmass w/ ImmediateImport mode ENABLED
LogStaticLightingSystem: Running Lightmass w/ ImmediateProcess mode ENABLED
LogStaticLightingSystem: Running Lightmass w/ Sorting mode ENABLED
LogStaticLightingSystem: Running Lightmass w/ Mapping paddings ENABLED
LogStaticLightingSystem: Running Lightmass w/ Mapping debug paddings DISABLED
LogEditorBuildUtils: Build time 0:00:07
LogSavePackage: Save=168.533524ms
LogSavePackage: Moving 'D:/UserLocalData//Documents/Unreal Projects/DT02_425_Roche_pRED/Saved/425_level_01_Auto245144522478DFC8868D845A2B1E25DE4.tmp' to 'D:/UserLocalData//Documents/Unreal Projects/DT02_425_Roche_pRED/Saved/Autosaves/Game/425_pRED_assets/Maps/425_level_01_Auto2.umap'
LogSavePackage: Save=221.419434ms
LogSavePackage: Moving 'D:/UserLocalData//Documents/Unreal Projects/DT02_425_Roche_pRED/Saved/Start_menu_Auto23A88F89C4A50D987CBE4A6A67A0E9BFD.tmp' to 'D:/UserLocalData//Documents/Unreal Projects/DT02_425_Roche_pRED/Saved/Autosaves/Game/425_pRED_assets/Maps/Start_menu_Auto2.umap'
LogSavePackage: Save=11129.418945ms
LogSavePackage: Moving 'D:/UserLocalData//Documents/Unreal Projects/DT02_425_Roche_pRED/Saved/Kern07L_quer_Auto290CCDFA44C75CBD5FA9453B8DBE131F1.tmp' to 'D:/UserLocalData//Documents/Unreal Projects/DT02_425_Roche_pRED/Saved/Autosaves/Game/425_pRED_assets/Maps/Kern07L_quer_Auto2.umap'
LogSavePackage: Save=2424.832520ms
LogSavePackage: Moving 'D:/UserLocalData//Documents/Unreal Projects/DT02_425_Roche_pRED/Saved/Kern07L_NBH_Auto22EFABFC64AE25BB56925BA9452274057.tmp' to 'D:/UserLocalData//Documents/Unreal Projects/DT02_425_Roche_pRED/Saved/Autosaves/Game/425_pRED_assets/Maps/Kern07L_NBH_Auto2.umap'
=== Lightmass crashed: ===
Assertion failed: (Index >= 0) & (Index < ArrayNum) [File:D:\BuildFarm\buildmachine_++depot+UE4-Releases+4.7\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Containers\Array.h] [Line: 679] 
Array index out of bounds: 20672066 from an array of size 20672066
KERNELBASE.dll!UnknownFunction (0x000007fefd9baaad) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
UnrealLightmass-Core.dll!UnknownFunction (0x000007fed28c4544) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
UnrealLightmass-Core.dll!UnknownFunction (0x000007fed27a28c8) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
UnrealLightmass-Core.dll!UnknownFunction (0x000007fed2781075) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
UnrealLightmass.exe!Lightmass::TkDOPTree<Lightmass::FStaticLightingAggregateMeshDataProvider const ,unsigned int>::SplitTriangleList() (0x000000013f86a9f9) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
UnrealLightmass.exe!Lightmass::TkDOPTree<Lightmass::FStaticLightingAggregateMeshDataProvider const ,unsigned int>::SplitTriangleList() (0x000000013f86af7b) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
UnrealLightmass.exe!Lightmass::TkDOPTree<Lightmass::FStaticLightingAggregateMeshDataProvider const ,unsigned int>::Build() (0x000000013f81e0c9) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
UnrealLightmass.exe!Lightmass::FStaticLightingAggregateMesh::PrepareForRaytracing() (0x000000013f859aba) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
UnrealLightmass.exe!Lightmass::FStaticLightingSystem::FStaticLightingSystem() (0x000000013f800333) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
UnrealLightmass.exe!Lightmass::BuildStaticLighting() (0x000000013f81e951) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
UnrealLightmass.exe!Lightmass::LightmassMain() (0x000000013f854f72) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
UnrealLightmass.exe!main() (0x000000013f871950) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
UnrealLightmass.exe!__tmainCRTStartup() (0x000000013f8c6467) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
kernel32.dll!UnknownFunction (0x00000000778159cd) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction (0x0000000077acb981) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction (0x0000000077acb981) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
*** CRITICAL ERROR! Machine: BSL-AS02-1583
*** CRITICAL ERROR! Logfile: UnrealLight_BSL-AS02-1583_47983EF749FDF12D66514D9C51FB8BAC.log
*** CRITICAL ERROR! Crash report: 
Job has failed! Job executable didn't exit cleanly. Exit code: 1
LogSavePackage: Save=3903.407959ms
LogSavePackage: Moving 'D:/UserLocalData//Documents/Unreal Projects/DT02_425_Roche_pRED/Saved/fassade_A_df_Auto2E8ABC0A24EE762E0374EAE8B731540A1.tmp' to 'D:/UserLocalData//Documents/Unreal Projects/DT02_425_Roche_pRED/Saved/Autosaves/Game/425_pRED_assets/Maps/fassade_A_df_Auto2.umap'
LogSavePackage: Save=3020.602783ms
LogSavePackage: Moving 'D:/UserLocalData//Documents/Unreal Projects/DT02_425_Roche_pRED/Saved/lab_equipment_quer_Auto203A29AE7460D3CFF248D05935AD897AC.tmp' to 'D:/UserLocalData//Documents/Unreal Projects/DT02_425_Roche_pRED/Saved/Autosaves/Game/425_pRED_assets/Maps/lab_equipment_quer_Auto2.umap'
LogSavePackage: Save=14.769785ms
LogSavePackage: Moving 'D:/UserLocalData//Documents/Unreal Projects/DT02_425_Roche_pRED/Saved/NewWorld_Auto2CE66C9394A89E9B76B6D58B9FE417DE3.tmp' to 'D:/UserLocalData//Documents/Unreal Projects/DT02_425_Roche_pRED/Saved/Autosaves/Game/425_pRED_assets/Maps/NewWorld_Auto2.umap'
LogFileHelpers: Editor autosave (incl. sublevels) for '/Game/425_pRED_assets/Maps/425_level_01' took 43.042
LogFileHelpers: Editor autosave (incl. sublevels) for all levels took 43.042
LightingResults:Error: Error <None> === Lightmass crashed: ===
Assertion failed: (Index >= 0) & (Index < ArrayNum) [File:D:\BuildFarm\buildmachine_++depot+UE4-Releases+4.7\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Containers\Array.h] [Line: 679] 
Array index out of bounds: 20672066 from an array of size 20672066
KERNELBASE.dll!UnknownFunction (0x000007fefd9baaad) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
UnrealLightmass-Core.dll!UnknownFunction (0x000007fed28c4544) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
UnrealLightmass-Core.dll!UnknownFunction (0x000007fed27a28c8) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
UnrealLightmass-Core.dll!UnknownFunction (0x000007fed2781075) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
UnrealLightmass.exe!Lightmass::TkDOPTree<Lightmass::FStaticLightingAggregateMeshDataProvider const ,unsigned int>::SplitTriangleList() (0x000000013f86a9f9) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
UnrealLightmass.exe!Lightmass::TkDOPTree<Lightmass::FStaticLightingAggregateMeshDataProvider const ,unsigned int>::SplitTriangleList() (0x000000013f86af7b) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
UnrealLightmass.exe!Lightmass::TkDOPTree<Lightmass::FStaticLightingAggregateMeshDataProvider const ,unsigned int>::Build() (0x000000013f81e0c9) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
UnrealLightmass.exe!Lightmass::FStaticLightingAggregateMesh::PrepareForRaytracing() (0x000000013f859aba) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
UnrealLightmass.exe!Lightmass::FStaticLightingSystem::FStaticLightingSystem() (0x000000013f800333) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
UnrealLightmass.exe!Lightmass::BuildStaticLighting() (0x000000013f81e951) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
UnrealLightmass.exe!Lightmass::LightmassMain() (0x000000013f854f72) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
UnrealLightmass.exe!main() (0x000000013f871950) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
UnrealLightmass.exe!__tmainCRTStartup() (0x000000013f8c6467) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
kernel32.dll!UnknownFunction (0x00000000778159cd) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction (0x0000000077acb981) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction (0x0000000077acb981) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]

Swarm log:

18:53:22: Starting up SwarmAgent ...
18:53:22:  ... registering SwarmAgent with remoting service
18:53:22:  ... registering SwarmAgent network channels
18:53:22:  ... initializing SwarmAgent
18:53:22:  ......... certificate check has failed
18:53:22:  ...... initializing cache
18:53:22:  ......... using cache folder 'C:/Users//AppData/Local/UnrealEngine/4.7/Saved/Swarm\SwarmCache'
18:53:22:  ......... recreating SwarmAgent cache staging area
18:53:22:  ...... initializing connection to SwarmCoordinator
18:53:22:  ......... using SwarmCoordinator on RENDER-01
18:53:24:  ......... SwarmCoordinator failed to be initialized
18:53:24:  ...... initializing local performance monitoring subsystem
18:53:26:  ... initialization successful, SwarmAgent now running
18:53:26: [Interface:TryOpenConnection] Local connection established
18:53:26: [Job] Accepted Job E0971029-4B955188-4AF709AC-CECE7189
18:53:34: [Job] Launched Job UnrealLightmass_2015-04-22_07-59-46_1177584-64bit.exe
18:53:34: [Job]     PID is 29600
18:53:34: [Job]     GUID is "E0971029-4B955188-4AF709AC-CECE7189"
18:53:35: LogLightmass:Display: Lightmass Win64 started on: BSL-AS02-1583. Command-line: E09710294B9551884AF709ACCECE7189 -numthreads 10
18:53:35: Lightmass Win64 started on: BSL-AS02-1583. Command-line: E09710294B9551884AF709ACCECE7189 -numthreads 10
18:53:35: LogLightmass:Display: Processing scene GUID: E09710294B9551884AF709ACCECE7189 with 10 threads
18:53:35: Processing scene GUID: E09710294B9551884AF709ACCECE7189 with 10 threads
18:53:35: Building static lighting...
18:53:35: [Job] Found a parent connection for PID 29600
18:53:35: [Job]     251726A0 -> 6A2F9703
18:53:35: [Interface:TryOpenConnection] Local connection established
18:53:36: Measured CPU frequency: 4.13 GHz
18:53:36: FStaticLightingSystem started using GKDOPMaxTrisPerLeaf: 4
18:53:36: Number of texture mappings: 1008
18:53:36: Number of fluid mappings:   0
18:53:36: Number of landscape mappings:   0
18:53:36: Number of BSP mappings:     0
18:53:36: Number of static mesh instance mappings: 1008
18:53:36: Reserving memory for 1008 meshes, 19842312 vertices, 20704439 triangles
18:53:47: Scene surface area calculated at 364.220 million units (262.042% of the estimated 138.993 million units)
18:53:47: Importance volume surface area calculated at 352.224 million units (0.000% of the estimated 0.000 million units)
18:53:58: Preallocated 2.9Gb for kDOP nodes and triangles
18:54:09: LogWindows:Error: Windows GetLastError: The operation completed successfully. (0)
18:54:09: Windows GetLastError: The operation completed successfully. (0)
18:54:09: Could not start CrashReportClient.exe
18:54:09: Platform Memory Stats for Windows
18:54:09: Process Physical Memory: 5398.01 MB used, 5398.01 MB peak
18:54:09: Process Virtual Memory: 5767.29 MB used, 5767.69 MB peak
18:54:09: Physical Memory: 31908.67 MB used, 32707.19 MB total
18:54:09: Virtual Memory: 6297.82 MB used, 8388608.00 MB total
18:54:09: LogGenericPlatformMisc:Warning: Failed to determine engine directory: Defaulting to ../../../Engine/
18:54:09: Failed to determine engine directory: Defaulting to ../../../Engine/
18:54:09: Exception handled in main, crash report generated, re-throwing exception
18:54:09: Exception handled in main, calling appHandleCriticalError
18:54:09: LogLightmass:Error: === Critical error: === 
18:54:09: Assertion failed: (Index >= 0) & (Index < ArrayNum) [File:D:\BuildFarm\buildmachine_++depot+UE4-Releases+4.7\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Containers\Array.h] [Line: 679] 
18:54:09: Array index out of bounds: 20672066 from an array of size 20672066
18:54:09: KERNELBASE.dll!UnknownFunction (0x000007fefd9baaad) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
18:54:09: UnrealLightmass-Core.dll!UnknownFunction (0x000007fed2e64544) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
18:54:09: UnrealLightmass-Core.dll!UnknownFunction (0x000007fed2d428c8) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
18:54:09: UnrealLightmass-Core.dll!UnknownFunction (0x000007fed2d21075) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
18:54:09: UnrealLightmass.exe!Lightmass::TkDOPTree<Lightmass::FStaticLightingAggregateMeshDataProvider const ,unsigned int>::SplitTriangleList() (0x000000013fcea9f9) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
18:54:09: UnrealLightmass.exe!Lightmass::TkDOPTree<Lightmass::FStaticLightingAggregateMeshDataProvider const ,unsigned int>::SplitTriangleList() (0x000000013fceaf7b) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
18:54:09: UnrealLightmass.exe!Lightmass::TkDOPTree<Lightmass::FStaticLightingAggregateMeshDataProvider const ,unsigned int>::Build() (0x000000013fc9e0c9) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
18:54:09: UnrealLightmass.exe!Lightmass::FStaticLightingAggregateMesh::PrepareForRaytracing() (0x000000013fcd9aba) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
18:54:09: UnrealLightmass.exe!Lightmass::FStaticLightingSystem::FStaticLightingSystem() (0x000000013fc80333) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
18:54:09: UnrealLightmass.exe!Lightmass::BuildStaticLighting() (0x000000013fc9e951) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
18:54:09: UnrealLightmass.exe!Lightmass::LightmassMain() (0x000000013fcd4f72) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
18:54:09: UnrealLightmass.exe!main() (0x000000013fcf1950) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
18:54:09: UnrealLightmass.exe!__tmainCRTStartup() (0x000000013fd46467) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
18:54:09: kernel32.dll!UnknownFunction (0x00000000778159cd) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
18:54:09: ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction (0x0000000077acb981) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
18:54:09: ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction (0x0000000077acb981) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
18:54:09: === Critical error: === 
18:54:09: Assertion failed: (Index >= 0) & (Index < ArrayNum) [File:D:\BuildFarm\buildmachine_++depot+UE4-Releases+4.7\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Containers\Array.h] [Line: 679] 
18:54:09: Array index out of bounds: 20672066 from an array of size 20672066
18:54:09: KERNELBASE.dll!UnknownFunction (0x000007fefd9baaad) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
18:54:09: UnrealLightmass-Core.dll!UnknownFunction (0x000007fed2e64544) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
18:54:09: UnrealLightmass-Core.dll!UnknownFunction (0x000007fed2d428c8) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
18:54:09: UnrealLightmass-Core.dll!UnknownFunction (0x000007fed2d21075) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
18:54:09: UnrealLightmass.exe!Lightmass::TkDOPTree<Lightmass::FStaticLightingAggregateMeshDataProvider const ,unsigned int>::SplitTriangleList() (0x000000013fcea9f9) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
18:54:09: UnrealLightmass.exe!Lightmass::TkDOPTree<Lightmass::FStaticLightingAggregateMeshDataProvider const ,unsigned int>::SplitTriangleList() (0x000000013fceaf7b) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
18:54:09: UnrealLightmass.exe!Lightmass::TkDOPTree<Lightmass::FStaticLightingAggregateMeshDataProvider const ,unsigned int>::Build() (0x000000013fc9e0c9) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
18:54:09: UnrealLightmass.exe!Lightmass::FStaticLightingAggregateMesh::PrepareForRaytracing() (0x000000013fcd9aba) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
18:54:09: UnrealLightmass.exe!Lightmass::FStaticLightingSystem::FStaticLightingSystem() (0x000000013fc80333) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
18:54:09: UnrealLightmass.exe!Lightmass::BuildStaticLighting() (0x000000013fc9e951) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
18:54:09: UnrealLightmass.exe!Lightmass::LightmassMain() (0x000000013fcd4f72) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
18:54:09: UnrealLightmass.exe!main() (0x000000013fcf1950) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
18:54:09: UnrealLightmass.exe!__tmainCRTStartup() (0x000000013fd46467) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
18:54:09: kernel32.dll!UnknownFunction (0x00000000778159cd) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
18:54:09: ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction (0x0000000077acb981) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
18:54:09: ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction (0x0000000077acb981) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
18:54:09: LogLightmass:Error: Couldn't start up the Auto Reporting process!
18:54:09: Couldn't start up the Auto Reporting process!
18:54:09: *** CRITICAL ERROR! Machine: BSL-AS02-1583
18:54:09: *** CRITICAL ERROR! Logfile: UnrealLight_BSL-AS02-1583_629BF7C44B545157AF98FA98918B9EF1.log
18:54:09: *** CRITICAL ERROR! Crash report: 
18:54:09: [CloseConnection] Closing connection 6A2F9703 using handle 6A2F9703
18:54:09: [CloseConnection] Connection confirmed for disconnection 6A2F9703
18:54:09: [CloseConnection] Connection disconnected 6A2F9703
18:54:09: [GetMessage] Safely returning to 6A2F9703 with no message
18:54:09: [MaintainConnections] Local connection has closed (6A2F9703)
18:54:09: [MaintainConnections] Removed connection 6A2F9703
18:54:09: [Job] Job has failed! Job executable didn't exit cleanly. Exit code: 1
18:54:09: [CloseConnection] Closing connection 251726A0 using handle 251726A0
18:54:09: [CloseConnection] Connection confirmed for disconnection 251726A0
18:54:09: [CloseConnection] Closing orphaned Job (E0971029-4B955188-4AF709AC-CECE7189)
18:54:10: [MaintainConnections] Connection 251726A0 is DISCONNECTING
18:54:10: [MaintainConnections] Connection 251726A0 is DISCONNECTING
18:54:11: [MaintainConnections] Connection 251726A0 is DISCONNECTING
18:54:11: [MaintainConnections] Connection 251726A0 is DISCONNECTING
18:54:12: [MaintainConnections] Connection 251726A0 is DISCONNECTING
18:54:12: [MaintainConnections] Connection 251726A0 is DISCONNECTING
18:54:13: [MaintainConnections] Connection 251726A0 is DISCONNECTING
18:54:13: [MaintainConnections] Connection 251726A0 is DISCONNECTING
18:54:14: [MaintainConnections] Connection 251726A0 is DISCONNECTING
18:54:14: [MaintainConnections] Connection 251726A0 is DISCONNECTING
18:54:15: [MaintainConnections] Connection 251726A0 is DISCONNECTING
18:54:15: [MaintainConnections] Connection 251726A0 is DISCONNECTING
18:54:16: [MaintainConnections] Connection 251726A0 is DISCONNECTING
18:54:16: [MaintainConnections] Connection 251726A0 is DISCONNECTING
18:54:16: [CloseConnection] Connection disconnected 251726A0
18:54:16: [GetMessage] Safely returning to 251726A0 with no message
18:54:17: [MaintainConnections] Local connection has closed (251726A0)
18:54:17: [MaintainConnections] Removed connection 251726A0
18:54:17: [MaintainConnections] All connections have closed

I did already everything what was advice here:

and here:

and here:

and basically everywhere where I found similar problem.

When I removed some objects from my editor, calculating proceed without any problem.
When I replace any other object with object I removed last time again calculating proceed without problems. I did this couple of times with randomly choosen objects.
But when I add objects all thogether I have this error.

Any help would be very appreciated.


Hi -

For your Meshes in the level, including walls and floor pieces, look at the Lightmap resolution in the Static Mesh Editor and in the Level Viewport’s Details Panel. Make sure that they are set to no larger than 256 when everything is in your map and then build lighting.

Let me know if this clears your issue up, if it does not please give me a run down of the type and number of meshes you are using in your level -

Thank You

Eric Ketchum


Thanks for your quick answer!

I go 256 with all objects and still exactly the same error.

Basically everything is static mesh. Tris: 3,388,814 Sum Tris: 26,948,518 Size: 303,173.375 KB Instance Sections: 2,262 Count:2,262

Sum tris is 26,948,518 but not everything is loaded at once. I split all objects to different levels. I create also menu where I can change layouts of furniture and cores (see attached image - one of the level i did).

Please see also statistic:

Hi hdm -

Okay, so after the new information and spending sometime with your log files, the major issue is that your CPU is running out of Memory before lights can be successfully built. Swarm uses RAM and not VRAM to build lighting, so you need to look at the amount of RAM your CPU has access to during the light build. You have a fairly large scene with fairly large meshes and I cannot see any evidence that your Static Meshes have Level of Details (LODs) to allow a more performance friendly environment.

There are a few things (some of which you might have already come across) that I can recommend trying to fix which will keep lightmass from crashing. Probably the most direct method to fix the crash would be to increase the Physical RAM in your CPU, if possible, and / or increase the virtual memory the Windows can use. Increasing virtual memory will require hard drive space and while Lightmass may not crash you will have to wait for a much longer time to complete builds. You can also lower the Lightmap resolution even lower to 32 (which is the default on most meshes). The shadows may not be of the highest quality, but it may (stressing may because you have a huge scene) help build lighting. The most time consuming but probably the most effective is to reduce the number of triangles on your models and add LODs for your meshes so those meshes in the distance are not rendering at full vertex counts.

Finally as an alternative, you may want to look at dynamic lighting for your project, you may still have some fps issues but you will not have to worry about building lighting. Particularly look into the Cascaded Shadow Maps and Distance Field Raytraced Soft Shadows.

Thank You

Eric Ketchum


So I removed geometry, right now I have LOD for more poly dense objects.
And unfortunately still doesn’t work.

The same error:
LightingResults:Error: Error === Lightmass crashed: === Assertion failed: (Index >= 0) & (Index < ArrayNum) [File:D:\BuildFarm\buildmachine_++depot+UE4-Releases+4.7\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Containers\Array.h] [Line: 679] Array index out of bounds: 12354844 from an array of size 12354844

I have 32 Gb of RAM memory and when I calculating it stops when the usage is around 17 Gb so I doubt this is because of running out of Memory:(

The only solution I found was to calculate levels separate or in groups of two-three, with movable light source. Than I load levels in certain order with blueprints and finally I manage to pack everything.

same here, no idea…64 gb ram 45gb reserved for programs , small scene…deleting objects does not help

=== Lightmass crashed: ===
Assertion failed: (Index >= 0) & (Index < ArrayNum) [File:d:\build++ue4+release-4.19+compile\sync\engine\source\runtime\core\public\Containers/Array.h] [Line: 610]
Array index out of bounds: 16297 from an array of size 16297

0x000000009D079E08 KERNELBASE.dll!UnknownFunction []
0x0000000090085E24 UnrealLightmass-ApplicationCore.dll!UnknownFunction []
0x00000000316AA48B UnrealLightmass-Core.dll!UnknownFunction []
0x00000000315ED248 UnrealLightmass-Core.dll!UnknownFunction []
0x0000000081DBD8BC UnrealLightmass.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x0000000081DC7734 UnrealLightmass.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x0000000081E1F96A UnrealLightmass.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x0000000081DCDE64 UnrealLightmass.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x0000000081DF6D23 UnrealLightmass.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x0000000081E15D4A UnrealLightmass.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x0000000081E91F35 UnrealLightmass.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x000000009FDB2774 KERNEL32.DLL!UnknownFunction []
0x000000009FEC0D51 ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction []
0x000000009FEC0D51 ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction []

08:38:18: Starting up SwarmAgent …
08:38:18: … registering SwarmAgent with remoting service
08:38:18: … registering SwarmAgent network channels
08:38:18: … initializing SwarmAgent
08:38:18: … certificate check has failed
08:38:18: … initializing cache
08:38:18: … using cache folder ‘C:/Users/xxx/AppData/Local/UnrealEngine/4.19/Saved/Swarm\SwarmCache’
08:38:18: … recreating SwarmAgent cache staging area
08:38:18: … initializing connection to SwarmCoordinator
08:38:18: … using SwarmCoordinator on RENDER-01
08:38:20: … SwarmCoordinator failed to be initialized
08:38:20: … initializing local performance monitoring subsystem
08:38:21: … initialization successful, SwarmAgent now running
08:38:23: [Interface:TryOpenConnection] Local connection established
08:38:23: [Job] Accepted Job 3A9010BB-46B2C6CB-73D8F1AD-03A5A920
08:38:24: [Job] Launched Job UnrealLightmass_2018-04-09_11-09-33_1277840-64bit.exe
08:38:24: [Job] PID is 8672
08:38:24: [Job] GUID is “3A9010BB-46B2C6CB-73D8F1AD-03A5A920”
08:38:25: LogLightmass: Display: Lightmass Win64 started on: HINKELSTEIN. Command-line: 3A9010BB46B2C6CB73D8F1AD03A5A920
08:38:25: Failed to determine engine directory: Defaulting to …/…/…/Engine/
08:38:25: Failed to load ‘aqProf.dll’ (GetLastError=126)
08:38:25: File ‘aqProf.dll’ does not exist
08:38:25: Failed to load ‘VSPerf140.dll’ (GetLastError=126)
08:38:25: File ‘VSPerf140.dll’ does not exist
08:38:25: Failed to load ‘VtuneApi.dll’ (GetLastError=126)
08:38:25: File ‘VtuneApi.dll’ does not exist
08:38:25: Failed to load ‘VtuneApi32e.dll’ (GetLastError=126)
08:38:25: File ‘VtuneApi32e.dll’ does not exist
08:38:25: Lightmass Win64 started on: HINKELSTEIN. Command-line: 3A9010BB46B2C6CB73D8F1AD03A5A920
08:38:25: LogLightmass: Display: Processing scene GUID: 3A9010BB46B2C6CB73D8F1AD03A5A920 with 10 threads
08:38:25: Processing scene GUID: 3A9010BB46B2C6CB73D8F1AD03A5A920 with 10 threads
08:38:25: Building static lighting…
08:38:25: [OpenConnection] Registering TCP channel …
08:38:25: [OpenConnection] Connecting to agent …
08:38:25: [TryOpenConnection] Testing the Agent
08:38:25: [TryOpenConnection] Opening Connection to Agent
08:38:25: [TryOpenConnection] Local Process ID is 8672
08:38:29: [Job] Found a parent connection for PID 8672
08:38:29: [Job] 2BF9FD59 → 7D505E70
08:38:29: [Interface:TryOpenConnection] Local connection established
08:38:29: Skylight import processing 0.011s with CubemapSize 128
08:38:34: Measured CPU frequency: 3.30 GHz
08:38:34: FStaticLightingSystem started using GKDOPMaxTrisPerLeaf: 4
08:38:34: Number of texture mappings: 360
08:38:34: Number of fluid mappings: 0
08:38:34: Number of landscape mappings: 0
08:38:34: Number of BSP mappings: 0
08:38:34: Number of static mesh instance mappings: 360
08:38:34: Windows GetLastError: Der Vorgang wurde erfolgreich beendet. (0)
08:38:34: Exception handled in main, crash report generated, re-throwing exception
08:38:34: Exception handled in main, calling appHandleCriticalError
08:38:34: LogLightmass: Error: === Critical error: ===
08:38:34: Assertion failed: (Index >= 0) & (Index < ArrayNum) [File:d:\build++ue4+release-4.19+compile\sync\engine\source\runtime\core\public\Containers/Array.h] [Line: 610]
08:38:34: Array index out of bounds: 16297 from an array of size 16297
08:38:34: 0x000000009D079E08 KERNELBASE.dll!UnknownFunction []
08:38:34: 0x0000000033CC5E24 UnrealLightmass-ApplicationCore.dll!UnknownFunction []
08:38:34: 0x0000000033F8A48B UnrealLightmass-Core.dll!UnknownFunction []
08:38:34: 0x0000000033ECD248 UnrealLightmass-Core.dll!UnknownFunction []
08:38:34: 0x00000000EF17D8BC UnrealLightmass.exe!UnknownFunction []
08:38:34: 0x00000000EF187734 UnrealLightmass.exe!UnknownFunction []
08:38:34: 0x00000000EF1DF96A UnrealLightmass.exe!UnknownFunction []
08:38:34: 0x00000000EF18DE64 UnrealLightmass.exe!UnknownFunction []
08:38:34: 0x00000000EF1B6D23 UnrealLightmass.exe!UnknownFunction []
08:38:34: 0x00000000EF1D5D4A UnrealLightmass.exe!UnknownFunction []
08:38:34: 0x00000000EF251F35 UnrealLightmass.exe!UnknownFunction []
08:38:34: 0x000000009FDB2774 KERNEL32.DLL!UnknownFunction []
08:38:34: 0x000000009FEC0D51 ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction []
08:38:34: 0x000000009FEC0D51 ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction []
08:38:34: === Critical error: ===
08:38:34: Assertion failed: (Index >= 0) & (Index < ArrayNum) [File:d:\build++ue4+release-4.19+compile\sync\engine\source\runtime\core\public\Containers/Array.h] [Line: 610]
08:38:34: Array index out of bounds: 16297 from an array of size 16297
08:38:34: 0x000000009D079E08 KERNELBASE.dll!UnknownFunction []
08:38:34: 0x0000000033CC5E24 UnrealLightmass-ApplicationCore.dll!UnknownFunction []
08:38:34: 0x0000000033F8A48B UnrealLightmass-Core.dll!UnknownFunction []
08:38:34: 0x0000000033ECD248 UnrealLightmass-Core.dll!UnknownFunction []
08:38:34: 0x00000000EF17D8BC UnrealLightmass.exe!UnknownFunction []
08:38:34: 0x00000000EF187734 UnrealLightmass.exe!UnknownFunction []
08:38:34: 0x00000000EF1DF96A UnrealLightmass.exe!UnknownFunction []
08:38:34: 0x00000000EF18DE64 UnrealLightmass.exe!UnknownFunction []
08:38:34: 0x00000000EF1B6D23 UnrealLightmass.exe!UnknownFunction []
08:38:34: 0x00000000EF1D5D4A UnrealLightmass.exe!UnknownFunction []
08:38:34: 0x00000000EF251F35 UnrealLightmass.exe!UnknownFunction []
08:38:34: 0x000000009FDB2774 KERNEL32.DLL!UnknownFunction []
08:38:34: 0x000000009FEC0D51 ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction []
08:38:34: 0x000000009FEC0D51 ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction []
08:38:34: LogWindows: Warning: CreateProc failed: Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (0x00000002)
08:38:34: CreateProc failed: Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (0x00000002)
08:38:34: LogWindows: Warning: URL: …/DotNET/AutoReporter.exe 8672 “UE4AutoReportDump.txt” “UnrealLight_HINKELSTEIN_6B71BF07434E85AD21EF358A9C373643.log” “UE4AutoReportIniDump.txt” “” -unattended
08:38:34: URL: …/DotNET/AutoReporter.exe 8672 “UE4AutoReportDump.txt” “UnrealLight_HINKELSTEIN_6B71BF07434E85AD21EF358A9C373643.log” “UE4AutoReportIniDump.txt” “” -unattended
08:38:34: LogLightmass: Error: Couldn’t start up the Auto Reporting process!
08:38:34: Couldn’t start up the Auto Reporting process!
08:38:34: *** CRITICAL ERROR! Machine: HINKELSTEIN
08:38:34: *** CRITICAL ERROR! Logfile: UnrealLight_HINKELSTEIN_6B71BF07434E85AD21EF358A9C373643.log
08:38:34: *** CRITICAL ERROR! Crash report:
08:38:34: [CloseConnection] Closing connection 7D505E70 using handle 7D505E70
08:38:34: [CloseConnection] Connection confirmed for disconnection 7D505E70
08:38:34: [CloseConnection] Connection disconnected 7D505E70
08:38:34: [GetMessage] Safely returning to 7D505E70 with no message
08:38:35: [MaintainConnections] Local connection has closed (7D505E70)
08:38:35: [MaintainConnections] Removed connection 7D505E70
08:38:35: [Job] Job has failed! Job executable didn’t exit cleanly. Exit code: 1
08:38:35: [CloseConnection] Closing connection 2BF9FD59 using handle 2BF9FD59
08:38:35: [CloseConnection] Connection confirmed for disconnection 2BF9FD59
08:38:35: [CloseConnection] Closing orphaned Job (3A9010BB-46B2C6CB-73D8F1AD-03A5A920)
08:38:36: [MaintainConnections] Connection 2BF9FD59 is DISCONNECTING
08:38:36: [MaintainConnections] Connection 2BF9FD59 is DISCONNECTING
08:38:37: [MaintainConnections] Connection 2BF9FD59 is DISCONNECTING
08:38:37: [MaintainConnections] Connection 2BF9FD59 is DISCONNECTING
08:38:38: [MaintainConnections] Connection 2BF9FD59 is DISCONNECTING
08:38:38: [MaintainConnections] Connection 2BF9FD59 is DISCONNECTING
08:38:39: [MaintainConnections] Connection 2BF9FD59 is DISCONNECTING
08:38:39: [MaintainConnections] Connection 2BF9FD59 is DISCONNECTING
08:38:40: [MaintainConnections] Connection 2BF9FD59 is DISCONNECTING
08:38:40: [CloseConnection] Connection disconnected 2BF9FD59
08:38:40: [GetMessage] Safely returning to 2BF9FD59 with no message
08:38:40: [MaintainConnections] Local connection has closed (2BF9FD59)
08:38:40: [MaintainConnections] Removed connection 2BF9FD59
08:38:40: [MaintainConnections] All connections have closed

just did a small test.

i imported scene over datasmith.
i made a “build lighting only” calculation.everything ok… i made a new calculation with production lighting quality, everything ok.
i made a new preview quality calculation. it began to calculate about 30 percent. i canceled it.
i saved everything. i closed unreal and reopened it.
after loading the level i did a new “build lighting only” calculation. it crashed with the above error.

so whats that?

Try Clearing you Swarm cache from Swarm Agent… Then rebuild it

i closed unreal and reopened it. after loading the level i did a new “build lighting only” calculation. it crashed with the above error. Best cars

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Lightmass Crashed.
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Thanks for inform.

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