UE 4.27 Can't run packaged game. main game module not found.

Hello everyone,

I’m having some issues with running my packaged game. I have seen multiple forum posts on a similar issue, but this is not the case. I use minimal plugins. A blank c++ project packages and compiles fine, so I know its my project and not my system or engine.

(Skip to end to see how I packaged game) My game “cellworld_vr” packages fine, i removed most warnings by disabling unused plugins. When I run the packaged game cellworld_vr.exe, it returns this error in a dialog box:

The game module 'cellworld_vr' could not be found. Please ensure that this module exists and that it is compiled.

Opening the logfile inside the Saved/Logs shows me this (full log file attached. ctrl+left click it to download):

cellworld_vr.log (51.8 KB)

[2024.01.25-04.07.07:853][  0]LogModuleManager: Warning: ModuleManager: Module 'cellworld_vr' not found - its StaticallyLinkedModuleInitializers function is null.
[2024.01.25-04.07.11:694][  0]Message dialog closed, result: Ok, title: Message, text: The game module 'cellworld_vr' could not be found. Please ensure that this module exists and that it is compiled.
[2024.01.25-04.07.11:694][  0]LogCore: Engine exit requested (reason: EngineExit() was called)

I read the whole log file and couldn’t really find the reason for failing besides cellworld_vr not found. The reason? I don’t know.

Before packaging, I compiled in DebugGame Editor configuration in VS 2022 and ran UE4 from debugger (also packaged without running with debugger attached) and then packaged the game successfully. I also cooked the game assets before running the package and got the same result.

I am running on Windows 11, Unreal Engine 4.27, and NVIDIA 4070 with latest game ready drivers.

Any insight will help!


Greetings @famaldonadoos

I’m sorry to hear that you’re having issues. This is an older thread. But, the type of issue you’re experiencing is similar. I would start with some of the solutions provided here The game module 'myproject' could not be found. I hope this helps!

Hey @FrostyJas ! thanks for your reply but I read that forum post and their issue is different. I am able to compile my code fine from source and run in PIE just fine. When I package the game in any configuration (after building it in VS with that configuration selected) the same error “mygamename module not found etc etc”.

From the forum post you provided, I checked my nmake settings and this is what they look like. Because their issue is more on compiling, I believe my nmake settings are correct (since again, my project builds fine) but I wanted to attach it just in case I am wrong and you see an obvious error.

On another note, is it possible to generate .dmp files from a packaged game without having to run task manager > select process > generate dump file?


Ok so after I took a pause to clear my head… I found the super simple n00by mistake inside my source/cellworld_vr.cpp file.


#include "cellworld_vr.h"
#include "Modules/ModuleManager.h"

IMPLEMENT_PRIMARY_GAME_MODULE( FDefaultGameModuleImpl, EyeTrackingVR, "EyeTrackingVR" );


#include "cellworld_vr.h"
#include "Modules/ModuleManager.h"

IMPLEMENT_PRIMARY_GAME_MODULE( FDefaultGameModuleImpl, cellworld_vr, "cellworld_vr" );

Not sure how it got like that, maybe I imported it from my other project? I don’t know why I’d do that since this file is autogenerated when you create a blank c++ project. Anyways, at least everything is working now.

Don’t copy/past code from your old projects (or be very careful at least)!!


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