I am having issues in packaging my Hololens-2 project. I am able to package for Windows 64-bit, but cannot package for Hololens. Another user encountering the same issue resolved it by packaging on another PC but this is not an option for me. I have updated my PC and got the latest version of Visual Studio (22 at this time). I followed the instructions online for the Chess Demo, including which plugins to include so I don’t understand where my issue is coming from. The following is from the output log where the error seems to start occuring:
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): Prepping ChessDemo for deployment to HoloLens
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): WARNING:
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens):
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): file:///C:/Program Files (x86)/Windows Kits/10/Include/10.0.22621.0/winrt/UapManifestSchema_v10.xsd(29): Reference to undeclared attribute group ‘Error’.
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens):
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): XML schema failed to compile; validation of the final AppxManifest.xml will be skipped.
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens):
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): If your AppxManifest.xml is valid then this is harmless, but if it contains invalid content you may encounter packaging or deployment errors.
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens):
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): Updating your Windows SDK and/or Visual Studio installation may correct the schema problems and simplify diagnosis of invalid content.
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): W Microsoft (R) MakePRI Tool
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): Copyright (C) 2013 Microsoft. All rights reserved.
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens):
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens):
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): Usage:
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens):
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): ------
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): MakePri.exe new /pr /cf [options]
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens):
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): Example:
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens):
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): --------
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): MakePri.exe new /pr C:\MyApp\src\ /cf C:\MyApp\priconfig.xml /mn
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): C:\MyApp\AppXManifest.xml /of C:\MyApp\src\resources.pri /o
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens):
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): Description:
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens):
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): ------------
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): Creates a PRI file at [outputfile] by indexing all files in the
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): [projectroot]and its subdirectories as directed by the [configxml]. The
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): index will be assigned [indexname] to reference resources in the application
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens):
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): Required Parameters:
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens):
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): --------------------
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): /ProjectRoot(pr) : Root location of project files
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): /ConfigXml(cf) : Configuration file location. Use
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): ‘Makepri.exe createconfig’ command to generate one
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens):
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): Options:
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens):
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): --------
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): /OutputFile(of) : Output location of PRI file, default is
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): [current directory]\resources.pri
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): /Manifest(mn) : Location of the application or component’s
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): manifest. This parameter is ignored if [indexname]
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): is given. Default is [projectroot]\AppXManifest.xml
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): /IndexName(in) : Name for the generated index of resources.
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): Typically matches the AppX package name, class library
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): simple name, etc. May be supplied via the
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): [manifest] parameter.
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): If IndexName is not specified and an AppX manifest
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): file is not present, the default name ‘Application’
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): will be used.
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): /VersionMajor(vma): [Deprecated] Major version number for
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): index, default is 1
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): /IndexLog(il) : XML Log of indexed resources, no file
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): generated by default
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): /AutoMerge(am) : This flag is not recommended for normal use with AppX
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): packages. It causes Makepri.exe to set the auto
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): merge flag within the PRI file. Default is not set.
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): /ReverseMap(rm) : Generate a reverse mapping section in the PRI file
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): which can be used for debugging purposes.
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): /MappingFile(mf) : Generate a mapping file in the given
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): file format.
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): /SchemaFile(sf) : Output location of XML resource schema
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): description.
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): /IndexOptions(io) : Options to provide detailed control over
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): behavior of resource indexers.
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): /Overwrite(o) : Overwrite an existing output file of the same name
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): without prompting
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): /Verbose(v) : Causes verbose messages to be output to the console
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): /Help(h, ?) : Display the usage help text
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): /ExtensionDll(ex) : Location of the MRT environment extension
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): DLL. This DLL must be signed by a Microsoft-issued
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): certificate. Default is an empty path (no DLL
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): will be used).
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens):
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens):
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): FOLDERPATH - is a valid path to a folder
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): FILEPATH - is a path to a file, either relative to the current
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): directory or absolute
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): MAPPINGFILETYPE - Supported File type(s): ‘AppX’
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens):
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): ERROR: ERROR: PRI191: 0x8007007e - Appx manifest not found or is invalid. Please ensure well-formed manifest file is present. Or specify an index name with /in switch.
PackagingResults: Error: ERROR: PRI191: 0x8007007e - Appx manifest not found or is invalid. Please ensure well-formed manifest file is present. Or specify an index name with /in switch.
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): ERROR: Failed to generate Package Resource Index file. See log for details.
PackagingResults: Error: Failed to generate Package Resource Index file. See log for details.
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): Took 110.0815683s to run UnrealBuildTool.exe, ExitCode=6
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): UnrealBuildTool failed. See log for more details. (C:\Users\Cobham\AppData\Roaming\Unreal Engine\AutomationTool\Logs\C+Program+Files+Epic+Games+UE_4.27+UE_4.27\UBT-ChessDemo-HoloLens-Shipping_2.txt)
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): AutomationTool exiting with ExitCode=6 (6)
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): BUILD FAILED
PackagingResults: Error: Unknown Error