UE 4.24.1 no raytracing reflections on glass/translucenct materials

I am currently working on an environment using realtime raytracing, but for some reason I don’t have any reflections on glass materials:

I set up a super simple glass material how I usually do it. Blend Mode is “Translucent”, Shading Model “Surface TranslucencyVolume”, Metallic 1, Roughness 0 and opacity 0.25. Everything else I left on default.
here it is:

When I set the opacity to 1, I even get a pitch black material, and no chrome material as I theoretically should:

The only way for me to get around this is by enabling screen space reflections in the material, but I don’t really want to do that, because I have a few surfaces in my environment where screen space reflections are too obvious (like the window in the back)

I also used glass and did the same thing for an other projekt in UE 4.24.0 and it all worked as it should. Am I doing something wrong now or is my only option to wait for the next unreal release?
I hope you can help me.