I upgraded to UE4.20 two weeks ago and it was a real pain in the ■■■.
They changed most of the Navigation API, and I had to rewrite lots of code. However, they have a Python Script that performs the required changes on your code for you.
The problem is the editor doesn’t generate any NavMesh when I am using a newer version.
If I’m using an old version it works perfectly fine - but throws an error on packaging the game.
I had exactly the same issue. Turned out I had to update the “Navigation Data Class Name” of the supported agent, because it was still trying to get the RecastNavMesh in the engine module (which no longer exists since they created a navigation module).
This can be done in the editor by going to Project Settings → Navigation System → Supported Agents and setting “Navigation Data Class Name” to None and then back to the desired class to trigger an update.
Alternatively you can also update the setting in your DefaultEnigine.ini directly. In my case I had to change “NavigationDataClassName=/Script/Engine.RecastNavMesh” to “NavigationDataClassName=/Script/NavigationSystem.RecastNavMesh”
Note: if you have your map open while applying this fix you might have to reload it.
I had it as dynamic since the beginning,
also your suggestion can be achieved easier I suppose - one can mark the navigation to always rebuild on startup and reopen a map.
Needless to say, but my problem was actually that navigation just didn’t build…
In case you wondering → no I didn’t solve the problem - and I didn’t try to go to 4.20 again…
I have a large project and it takes the whole day to try and port it to newer version.
And I am not interested in newer bugs - so…
Thanks you!! THis Really helped! >> This can be done in the editor by going to Project Settings → Navigation System → Supported Agents and setting “Navigation Data Class Name” to None and then back to the desired class to trigger an update.