I have imported a CSV file which has around 1600 entries. It has an ID, Englsih text and its equivalent chinese unicode. I am desiging a race game. At the start of each race, my server will the send the ID of each car to my game. For example, it will send 10, 80, 432… and so on for 10 cars. In my code, i will get equivalent chinese characters by using
m_localisedStrings->FindRow(*FString::Printf(TEXT(“%d”), _id), TEXT(“RUNNERTABLE”));
The weird thing is it works totally fine in the Unreal Editor, But when i package it for Windows, it works fine for the first race and when the game cycles for the second race, I keep getting errors like
[2015.05.07-09.09.03:947][395]LogDataTable:Warning: UDataTable::FindRow : Row '98' not found in DataTable 'None.None' (CARTABLE).
[2015.05.07-09.09.03:948][395]LogDataTable:Warning: UDataTable::FindRow : Row ‘494’ not found in DataTable ‘None.None’ (CARTABLE).
Why it could find the values in the table in the first cycle and in the second cycle it has changed to ‘None.None’ from ‘LocalisedStrings.LocalisedStrings’