UBTFunctionLibrary::SetBlackboardValueAsObject() (failed: OwnerComp != nullptr)

I have a problem setting the node owner in this function.

UBTFunctionLibrary::SetBlackboardValueAsObject(this, Base, Actor);

I got this error:

My class is like this:

class UBTT_GetTeamReference : public UBTTask_BlackboardBase

The node owner is not the “this” pointer for this case?
What is the right param then?

Thank you so much!!

Ok, the UBTFunctionLibrary class is a very poorly done job (No offense intended).

Fortunately you can see the code and the solution to the problem.

The solution is not to use the UBTFunctionLibrary class.

And use the class member (FBlackboardKeySelector::SelectedKeyName) instead.

Every day I find a new bug… it’s amazing.

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