Uber Hi-Res Earth Shader - Work In Progress

Would you be willing to share how you approached the lightning? I’ve been playing around with using a cloud mask and some panning/rotating masks to create a sort of travelling wave of flashes, but I notice your lightning seems a lot more advanced.


Any news? :smiley:

yes, i’m also totally interested in the northern lights but also, how you get the atmospheres and the lights fade out to the night side.

Sorry folks for some reason I don’t get updates from the thread anymore… @Charleston - is indeed correct, isn’t going to be a publicly available asset for the meantime, although I’d like to do it eventually. The team I’m working with is in the process of incorporating (with me included), so I’ll have to wait until all the legal bollocks is sorted until I can figure out what to do with it. The project we’re developing it for might not leave us with IP rights, so depends on a few things outside of my control atm.

As for the enquiries about how was all done, I’d really like to do a Twitch Stream on it soon. I’ve planned out a few tutorials/explanations I’m going to do on the stream already, and it’d make sense for me to do there too.

Here’s the planned list, and the channel is thusly: twitch.tv/


Hope will help people :slight_smile:

Thanks ! Means a lot coming from a UE dev :smiley:

wow, that is good news! :slight_smile:
thanks for the effort in advance. seems will be a great lesson.
so long! keep it up!


Working on upgrades for over the next couple of weeks! Improved the surface normals and fixed up all the seams in the textures and lighting by generating normals in the Shader. Got the following tasks to go:

  • Improved Clouds w/Shadows and Lighting
  • Realistic Rayleigh / Mie Atmosphere Scattering
  • Better Weather / Lightning
  • Tweaks for an Android (nVidia Shield) capable version.

And finally, it’s pretty much finished. Just have some tweaks to make to the textures (Cutting around islands isn’t very fun), and we’re done. Very happy with !


Fu<{ me that is amazing. Those lightning storms look fantastic. I would love to see how is done. Well done.

Thats the first time I saw thread… Awesome! I would like to see an Unreal Kerbal Space Program :slight_smile:

Hey, all reminds me a lot Orion Attack 's intro.
It just misses the aliens coming and shooting down the satellites :wink:

Very impressive :slight_smile: Loved watching develop.

The lighting seems a little to pink IMO though.

is really amazing work! If I had to render on my computer I would probably have to turn up the fan speed to 100% LOL!

Is that planet comparable to the real Earth size ?
Sorry for question , but I really have to ask…