UAudioComponent playing only in Standalone, no sound in PIE.

Hi! I’m pretty new to C++, but I’ve been working with audio for a while. One of the first things I wanted to do was to create a SoundManager, a singleton class that persists across levels and manages important audio info and parametres, as well as handles high level music in the game(MainMenu, Level Transitions etc).

So I did just that, created a SoundManager class, derived from UObject, and store it in my GameInstance.
On Game instance init() I call SoundManager’s own init, where I handle UAudioComponent creation, setting sound and playing. But here’s the catch, it works perfectly fine while playing in Standalone, but I have completely no luck playing it in PIE Viewport.

No matter what I did, GEngine, GI, World, UAudioComponent and ActiveAudioDevice are valid. Please help me.
Code snippets below:


void UMyGameInstance::Init()


void UMyGameInstance::InitializeSoundManager()
	// TODO Need to laod SoundManagerBPClass from setting and not from path
	UClass* SoundManagerBPClass = LoadClass<USoundManager>(nullptr, TEXT("/Game/Audio/Blueprints/BP_SoundManager.BP_SoundManager_C"));
	if (SoundManagerBPClass != nullptr)
		SoundManagerInstance = NewObject<USoundManager>(this, SoundManagerBPClass);
		if (SoundManagerInstance != nullptr)

My SoundManager

void USoundManager::Initialize()
	UMyGameInstance* MyGI = Cast<UMyGameInstance>(GetWorld()->GetGameInstance());

	MainSoundComponent = NewObject<UAudioComponent>(GetTransientPackage(), NAME_None, RF_Transient);

	MainSoundComponent->bAutoDestroy = true;
	MainSoundComponent->bIgnoreForFlushing = true;
	MainSoundComponent->bAllowSpatialization = false;
	MainSoundComponent->bCanPlayMultipleInstances = false;


UAudioComponent* USoundManager::PlayMainUESound(USoundBase* SoundToPlay, float FadeInTimeDuration)
	if (IsValid(SoundToPlay))

		return MainSoundComponent;
		return nullptr;

In my blueprint class I just call PlayMainUESound function.

Wwise works just fine

Please help me! Thank you.