I created a Pawn in C++ and added a UWidgetInteractionComponent and it automatically creates a UArrowComponent and attaches it to the RootComponent. Is this normally supposed to happen because if I add a WidgetInteractionComponent from the blueprint editor, the arrow is still there, but its not showing up in the list of components of the Pawn. Is there some way to hide the arrow from the component list or prevent it from being generated in C++?
WidgetInteractionComp = CreateDefaultSubobject<UWidgetInteractionComponent>(TEXT("WidgetInteraction"));
WidgetInteractionComp->TraceChannel = ECollisionChannel::ECC_GameTraceChannel1;
WidgetInteractionComp->InteractionDistance = 10000.0f;
WidgetInteractionComp->SetupAttachment( MotionControllerComp );