Twitch Training Stream - Creating a 2D Side-Scroller p.3 - Jan 26th, Live from Epic HQ

Haha thank you!

Okay so I’ll first show you what it looks like when you move the camera right to the perfect spot.

when animating you can kinda see the lines almost like refresh lines where it’s adjusting the image.

then you move the camera just a little bit, as I’m sure you can see its not much a difference( the camera positioning)

and its quality instantly goes kaput.

The sprite that I’m currently using is 512 x 512(individually), I found that this size looks the most acceptable at the camera distance I want to use.

I also use texture packer to put all my sprites together and create the texture atlas. I do set inside texture packer to pack it at the power of 2 and I set extrude to 2 and border padding and shape padding to 2 ( I read online somewhere that it helps with sprite rendering.)


BTW, I’m a big fan of your work!!! Can’t wait to see what you come up with in UE4.

Thanks a bunch sir!!! It’s been a super fun learning experience already. Kudos to Epic and entire community for the vast amount of awesome material on UE4! Very exciting :smiley:

Hey Alan,

I was able to mess around with some settings and I actually resolved the texture issue once I changed Filter setting to Tri-Linear versus From Texture Group. this fixed it perfectly hahaha.

What is Filter anyway?

missed it. i wanted to ask how to improvise / make lighting and shadow for 2d flipbooks…
1 trick i read is to duplicate the sprite and make it lit. and render invisible, so it would cast shadow but is invisible…

but i dont know what i can do with the shadows / shading effect…
with the lights towards the front / sides / back… using normal maps?.
like this sample… note: from unlty Unity3D 4.3 sprite shader experiment #2: Cel shading - YouTube

Hey Mr Alan ,
when this video upload in youtube?

Part 4 confirmed?! :smiley:

Just uploaded it now :slight_smile:

Great work Mr Alan :slight_smile: looking forward to part 4 in the future. In some video in the future, could you teach us how to create something like a wardrobe where the character can switch between skins? And you said above about switching weapon, the wardrobre could work for changing weapons and skins in your project :stuck_out_tongue:
It’s something that I’m trying to do in my game, but I cant find any tutorials teaching it and I love the Unreal tutorials that you made.

I watched the video, good stuff. I think it would be great to have a quick demo on how to create a simple camera blueprint with bounds and that follows the character only on the X axis, similar to Megaman games actually.

love these tutorials, definitely would be amazing to see more! especially on AI!

I’m working on the beginning of this tutorial, and I’m running into a very odd problem. I have everything working fine with my pixel character showing up correctly and it looks great, but then I quit the editor and reload… and now my character is blurry. I haven’t changed anything and I’m not sure what’s going on. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

if you could finish the stairs that you tried to do in part 3 and the blank animation when the character gets hit in part 2, it would really helps. Or if anyone read this and did those stuff, please send me a message or something with the code.

I’d definitely like to see some more info on about AI and maybe something on basic backgrounds. I’m definitely learning a lot and applying what i’m learning but i’m getting stuck in a lot of area’s where google isn’t much help at all.

It’s hapenning the same with me, some stuffs is really hard to find at google ':frowning: but about the AI, you can watch the videos Unreal post on youtube. Everything done em 3D works fine at 2D.

For some odd reason sometimes my physics go crazy and my BP_Dude get pushed really far after hit the spikes, even with the same amount of force applied to it. I am using the 4.9.2. Any ideas?

Can anyone help me in making a finish line which can indicate the end of a level for my paper 2d sprite?

Can anyone help me create a finish line in the level that will stop the level? Is there any youtube video that shows how to?

How to do a LERP animation

I figured out how to do a smooth animation between points on the map.

You’ll need a new boolean variable - Is_Moving. While Is_Moving = True, you won’t be able to input any other movements, to prevent it from glitching out.
Also add a LERP (Vector) and Timeline

Double click on the timeline node to edit it and add a new float track. Right click on the line to add points. Animate it how you wish, I just went from 0,0 to 1,1. (0.0 to 1.0 over 1 second)

Hello, the map select screen that Mr. made is really cool. How would I make it where the pawn follows a trail or path to the POI instead of “Jumping” to the next POI? Like the way it works in Super Mario World with paths that can go in zig zags and around corners and be locked/unlocked?