Twinmotion plugin/compatibility with Vectorworks.

Hey! I used lumion all through college but after graduating I switched to Twinmotion during their free-trial in October of 2019. My only hesitation to buying the 2020 license is that I model and draft in Vectorworks and right now getting my model into Twinmotion from Vectorworks is a bit of a pain. I know there are plugins for Revit, sketchup, rhino, etc… but I was curious if there’s any plans to ease the compatibility of Vectorworks? VWX itself has a very powerful renderer but it tends to be time consuming and doesn’t offer some of the features that I love about twinmotion- I work as an art director in film and I need things to be cinematic not necessarily “perfect”, also, the quicker the better so Twinmotion is kinda perfect. If anyone has any suggestions or knows if there’s a future plan I would greatly appreciate it as the best way i’ve found at the moment is exporting my VWX file to a sketchup file, double checking my textures in sketchup, and then bringing it into Twinmotion.

Thank you!