I’m using UE5.3.2 to generate a VR application for a QUEST 3 headset.
I use the basic VR project to get started, and the build goes off without a hitch.
I prepare my basic architecture scene in Twinmotion with some basic materials from Twinmotion, export the datasmith file, import it into UE (correctly parameterized), see my project perfectly in the editor and in my VR headset linked with the cable in VR PREVIEW mode.
All Twinmotion materials are visible.
I build my APK and the result is surprising: the volume is present, but I’ve lost all the textures (replaced by the chessboard).
I do the same test with Quixel textures in Twinmotion, export the scene to UE, build and the result is the same in the APK build.
On the other hand, if I load Quixel materials directly into UE and do the same build, this time it works.
I could indeed do everything in UE, you might say, but when I need to retrieve a project made by a third party in Twinmotion, I have to redo all the texturing work. I don’t understand where the error lies… Does datasmith export transform the materials or alter them? Do I have to activate something for Android to interpret the materials correctly in the APK build?
Thank you for your advice and help.