TWeakObjectPtr is "STALE" when assigned valid Actor


After upgrading to 4.21 from 4.19 I have a problem with TWeakObjectPtr being stale directly after assigned a valid actor?

bool bIsValidLowLevel = actor_placed_in_editor->IsValidLowLevel();

	TWeakObjectPtr<AActor> test_pointer; 
	test_pointer = actor_placed_in_editor;

	bool bIsState = test_pointer.IsStale();
	bool bIsValid = test_pointer.IsValid();

After the above code is run, the status is

bIsValidLowLevel = true

bIsState = false

bIsValid = true

However, if I hover over test_pointer it says “STALE”. If the pointer is used, e.g. Cast<ISomeInterface>(test_pointer.Get()), the game crashes.

Any help would be appreciated!


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I’m also having this issue! I think it might only be related to the UE4.natvis file, which is incorrectly showing STALE or the wrong object.

This is still a problem - the visualizers have been broken for ages now.

Would it crash the game i its just visualizers?

Yeah, the UE4.natvis file is broken for FWeakObjectPtr and TWeakObjectPtr types. Open UE4.natvis, and replace the visualizer sections for the above mentioned types with the following:

<DisplayString Condition="ObjectSerialNumber &lt; 1">nullptr</DisplayString>
<DisplayString Condition="GObjectArrayForDebugVisualizers->Objects[ObjectIndex / 65536][ObjectIndex % 65536].SerialNumber != ObjectSerialNumber">STALE</DisplayString>
<DisplayString>{GObjectArrayForDebugVisualizers->Objects[ObjectIndex / 65536][ObjectIndex % 65536].Object}</DisplayString>
  <ExpandedItem>GObjectArrayForDebugVisualizers->Objects[ObjectIndex / 65536][ObjectIndex % 65536].Object</ExpandedItem>

<DisplayString Condition="ObjectSerialNumber &lt; 1">nullptr</DisplayString>
<DisplayString Condition="GObjectArrayForDebugVisualizers->Objects[ObjectIndex / 65536][ObjectIndex % 65536].SerialNumber != ObjectSerialNumber">STALE</DisplayString>
<DisplayString>{($T1*)GObjectArrayForDebugVisualizers->Objects[ObjectIndex / 65536][ObjectIndex % 65536].Object}</DisplayString>
  <ExpandedItem>($T1*)GObjectArrayForDebugVisualizers->Objects[ObjectIndex / 65536][ObjectIndex % 65536].Object</ExpandedItem>

(Basically the number 66560 has to be replaced with 65536, Epic apparently has changed the number of elements per chunk in FChunkedFixedUObjectArray from 65 * 1024 to 64 * 1024 .)

Seams like this is fixed in 4.27. Not sure the earliest version it was fixed in though.