Tutorial: Your First Game In Unreal Engine 5

My AI person doesn’t move after running, but can move during simulation

It is so cooooooooool! I begin to follow your video to learn how to make games! It really helps me a lot!
But I have some question. I can’t change the angle of the light when I press ctrl+L and left mouse button. I just move the position where I see the level, not the light.
How can I solve this problem? Thank you!

Thank you for providing such unique and valuable information to your readers. I really appreciate your work.

The author mentioned this way back in August, but in case someone miss it. (like I did)
There is a simple way to fix the Door frame collision issue.
Open SM_Modular_WallDoor , on the “Details” look for “Collision Complexity”
Change it to “Use Complex Collision as Simple”


That’s what I am looking for. Thank you.

You’re a lifesaver!

@ Sir, you make a great tutorial for beginners like me. But I’m struggle to follow along until 59:29 because I can’t compile a BP_AIController. The class called “Find Orb” has an extra pin called ‘exec’. I can’t compile it without assigning something. Before that, I have many bugs, like 'no class name appearing as tutorial, I have to copy paste from different place. And among these, my AI Bot is not moving as tutorial (which I can’t solve and I already checked triple) then I decided to ignore and follow. I though I could found a solution after I follow through the tutorial. But I can’t anymore until 59:29. May be the problem causing must be version issue. I’ve UE 5.0.1, 5.0.2, 5.03, 5.1.0, 5.2.0 (not yet released version, builded from source). Sir, may I know which version of UE you’re using? I need to know Major version number and minor.

I can help you, share your screenshoot
Mine is a little different, I named it OrbHunter, but it’s the same
Check if those parts marked with arrows are the same on yours

Obviously, my cube doesn’t fall, and the AI doesn’t follow the ball. Another problem is that the robot cannot collide with the cube, just block.

Could you take a screenshoot of your Cube BP and the AI Graph

@Rhamlock sorry for late reply, here is my blueprints

Everything looks perfect.
My assumptions are that the NavMesh is not working properly, the BP_Bot is not placed correctly, or the BP_Orb has issues.

On the Outline, click “NaVMeshBoundVolume” first, reset its location to origin (0x,0y,0z) and change its scale to something big, like (50x,50y,20z)

To be sure the BP_Orb is not the issue, make a new BP, call it BP_Cube, then spawn the BP_Cube instead of the Orb, and change the “Get All Actors of Class” to look for BP_Cube.

If you can’t make it work, join the “Unreal Slackers” Discord, send me a PM.
We will get to the bottom of what is wrong.


The location of (0,0,0) was too far from my nav_mesh location. After reset the location, it’s working. Thank you @Rhamlock

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these tutorials seems that it would be extremely hard more and more…
Lack of information from the very first. lol


The source files used in this tutorial are in a zip file in the Stack-O-Bot Project
In “FirstGameInUE5_Source.zip” you will find:

There is no zip file in website It can get only by Marketplace,
‘FirstGameInUE5_SOURCE.zip’ isn’t in the folder of ‘StackOBot’,
It’s in the ‘StackOBot\Content’.

Thanks for learning about Exploring. It’s like an adventure game!

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Great tutorial. One thing I’ve noticed that hasn’t been really shown and is pretty handy when organizing the outliner: if you select all the actors you’d like to group in a new folder, simply select them in the outliner and hit the +Folder button. A new folder automatically will be created and all the selected object will be conveniently nested under it. This saves a ton of dragging and dropping.



For anyone trying to find “FirstGameInUE5_Source.zip”, the 5.1 version of the project does not have it. You can find the zip if you choose 5.0 when creating the project from the marketplace.


Hi everyone!
I’m trying to learn and i’m kinda struggling, i cant use the shortcuts he gives us for the nodes, when he says “press 1 and left click” for textures for example and then for the colour for the sand to make the landscape “press 3 and then left click”. It just doesnt work so i made up a reroute node for the texture but im stuck with the color node, if anyone can help me please, english is not my mother tongue, so i may have made some mistakes, thank you.

Well, the correct approach would be:
HOLD 1 + Left Click
HOLD 3 + Left Click
when you click, make sure you do so inside a free space on the Graph

Thank you Andy for the great tutorial.
This tutorial is “Not Too Hard, Not Too Easy, Just Right"
After a couple weeks, I’m now able to do everything in one go, and without taking too long.
Excellent job.