[Tutorial] 's VR Lab, an introduction to VR in UE4

Sure, for the first teleport video I used the Vive but in the second one I use the DK2, what you’ll need to do is create a new scene component and make it the camera root and then move that up in the Pawn blueprint (I do this about halfway through the Advanced teleport video, admittedly a little fast though). this is because the vive’s root is the middle of the play space on the real world floor where as the rifts root is 1m in front of the tracking camera. This means that the in game root for the Vive should be on the floor in the game, whereas the in game root for the rift should be at the players height(for standing experiences).

Thanks for the info, I must be going blind I totally missed that.

New video is up, the long awaited Intro to SteamVR


Let me know if I missed anything :slight_smile:

Thanks for this vr tutorial series it’s really helpful. Im following along but was wondering if there’s any chance we might see another vr template soon? The last one was great as it added a lot of functionality beyond just the basic stuff and i feel like especially with motion controls there’s a lot more involved. Starting a new project from template would be super useful.

I posted a thread here asking for something official but it doesn’t look like that’s coming anytime soon and consumer vr is now here. I know a lot of people would like to jump in and start creating who may not be devs so this would go a long way to helping.

One more thing i’ve yet to see answered was if unreal can do the mixed reality stuff thats possible in unity?

How do we show the vive controller in game. Isnt there some default model?

I was thinking of eventually putting the source files from all my videos into one project and sort of making a VR Content Examples instead of a template.
As for the mixed reality stuff I’ve thought about it a little bit but I haven’t actually tried to sit down and do it. When I get some spare time it’s something I would definitely like to look into

There isn’t a default model in UE because of the generic motion controller support, however you can download the .fbx for the vive controller form inside the SteamVR folder in steam.
Also Proteus is making a SteamVR Template, there are a few things about it I would change so I wouldn’t quite recommend using it fully just as of yet but I’m going to try and help them with it if they need it. The reason I mention this is because they already imported the controller models for you (albeit not at the right scale just as of yet)

New video


This one’s on a head IK setup that someone asked me to cover via PM

Do you plan on doing an Arm IK tutorial for Vive Controllers? Theoretically it should work like arm IK for a rig in Maya. I could probably get it set up with Ikenema pretty quick but a no plug in only version would be great too!

I hadn’t really planned to, but why not? I’ll add it to the list. It most likely won’t be full body IK but we’ll see :slight_smile:

Alright new video is up
Setting up Standing experiences for both the Rift and Vive


Hi ,

I’m wondering if you could help me.

I’m following your look based interaction tutorial pt1. Only instead of tracing the hmd I’m tracing the valve controller.

I’m trying to change the color of my cube when the on focus event fires. Below is my blueprint:

When previewing in vr the text is printing but my cube isn’t changing color.

I’m guessing its not the blueprint that’s the issue because the text is printing , showing that the event is getting called.

Is it an issue with my cube material or something?


Hey there. I just wanted to give my awesome thanks for all your work - your new tutorial series teaches a lot, and your template helped me a lot in the past.

In return, I’m trying to pay it forward by teaching others how to make a VR space combat flight sim from scratch, seen here: https://www…com/playlist?list=PLrfSN3w5WCJXuhHh_Zx23W5Ra9kbzbIhq

I was going to give thanks and recommend people come check out your stuff. But I was also wondering ; your old fighter with the cockpit model is PERFECT for VR and teaching… would it be okay if I gave people a download link to your project so they could use it as well? Totally understandable if you’d rather I didn’t since that is your work.

Thanks regardless!

Ah yeah it looks like it’s the material

Make sure it has this material

If we double click on it we can see it has a color parameter, that is the one we are setting in blueprints

Cool, I’ll give it a look :slight_smile: Go ahead and use the model however you need, If you feel like giving attribution for it feel free otherwise I don’t mind. If it makes it easier for you to teach I’m happy with you using it however, the more people learning about VR the better :slight_smile:

New video :slight_smile:

This is a pretty neat one, it’s my new idea for a VR Content Examples


As mentioned in the video it shows how to do a VR Menu, Teleportation and a few more things
Also this one is up on so it can be a lot more of a community project

Hello ,

Thank you for the great tutorial series. I want to know, how can I set up HTC Vive HMD so that I dont need to place it on the floor and pick it up everytime I run my level. I want to run my the level while the user is wearing the HMD and I dont want to have the offset caused due to this. The experience should be at a normal height from the start. Please excuse me if you have already explained it before. It would be great if you could point me in the right direction.

Thanks a ton!

Hello , Thank you for the tutorial series.

I want to know; when I play my level I have to start by placing the Vive HMD and controllers on the floor and then pick them up. If I start the level while standing and am wearing the HMD, I get an offset(the room becomes smaller). Is there a way to avoid this? I want to start the game without the user worrying about picking up the Vive and controllers from the floor. The HMD and controllers should be tracked correctly irrespective of the position of the user and Vive when the game starts.

Please point me in the right direction if you have already explained. I apologize if the same question is posted twice. First time posting on the forum thread. I am not sure if it was posted correctly the first time.

Thanks a lot for doing this, I’m learning a lot from your stuff!

I migrated the Trace_Interaction over to a test-project and one thing i noticed right away is the TraceVisualiser(spelled wrong btw :slight_smile: the transparent cylinders renders wrong in stereo. anyone know what’s up with that? other transparent objects in the world are fine.

Again, amazing stuff! Much appreciated

That’s odd, I don’t think that should be happening. I’ve had it happen to me once before and I just had to re-calibrate steam VR and it fixed it

Not spelt wrong just different :stuck_out_tongue: (I’m an Aussie)
And weird, I’ve had it happen before where it looks like it has a black shadow of some sort that follows it, I believe it is a bug with instance meshes, 4.11 and VR although I haven’t found the direct cause of it because on some materials it happens but others with the same settings it doesn’t. I would suggest just changing the material and seeing if that helps