Tutorial: Panel Cloth Example Files (5.4)

This reference document will show where to download the .zip file as well as some details regarding the supplied example files for the Chaos Panel Cloth Editor (Beta 5.4).



Thank you!!


Heads up, when you open the cloth assets, they’ll create new dataflow graphs instead of using the included ones, so you’ll have to rereference them in the details panel. You can safely delete the generated ones.

You’ll also need to assign the skeleton to the Quinn mesh / animation. Additionally reimport the .usda file and set the static mesh for kinematic collider’s StaticMeshImport node.

I kept getting various errors when running through the instructions: Invalid input for LOD 0, LOD 0 has no valid data, failed to transfer skin weights… but after creating a couple new projects and retrying I managed to get it to work.

Edit: Also set the skeletal mesh for the TransferSkinWeights node.


Oh yes I’ve tried and tried but can’t get it to work. I wonder what your secret is??? lol

Here’s what I have tried so far to make it work:

When I loaded this up, the PROXY cloth asset was assigned to a Dataflow Asset (DA_5_4_Demo_Proxy_Dataflow) that doesn’t have a ‘branch’ node. I wanted to follow tim’s instructions, so I had a look at there is another - similarly named - dataflow (DA_5_4_Demo_Proxy), so I switched it to that, and that one has a Branch.

The USDImport wasn’t connected so I re-imported the USD.

The third node (TransferSkinWeights) didn’t have a Skeleton Mesh set in the dropdown, so I set it to “SKM_Quinn”.

In the KINEMATIC COLLIDER comment box, the StaticMeshImport didn’t have an assigned static mesh, so I set it to “SM_Quin_LOD2”.

Each of the SELECT nodes give an error when I click on them. "Invalid selection Found invalid selection indices for group “Render Vertices”. In the log, there’s many many entries in yellow that say things like this:
“LogChaosClothAssetDataflowNodes: Warning: Selection index 5,644 not valid for group “RenderVertices” with 0 elements”.

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Did you set the static mesh import for the kinematic collider?


Yes I did that - but maybe its set to the wrong thing. What did you set it to? I set it to “SM_Quin_LOD2”.

Actually I just clicked on the USDImport node again, and reimported again, and it has suddenly appeared (the garment in the window on the right). I’ll keep going, I’m not sure what the factors are.

The cloth layers are still piercing each other though. And it just crashed. :slight_smile: Anyway, its good to be moving forward! I’ll figure this out, I’m determined! :slight_smile:

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Oh, I missed that, sorry. Yeah I set it to the same. Are you using SKM_Quinn_CLOTH_5_4? ( Not sure if that matters. )

Am I using “SKM_Quinn_CLOTH_5_4” for the preview scene mesh, you mean? Yes

Okay I’ve made progress. This seems to be a series of events that get it to work to a degree:

  • I click all the SELECT nodes, so it gives the error "Invalid selection Found invalid selection indices for group “Render Vertices” for every single one.
  • Then in the branch node before the ClothAssetTerminal, I make the CONDITION checkbox TICKED (this is to bypass the kollider stuff, just temporarily)
  • Then I go back and click the USDImport node, and then in Node Details I click ‘reimport asset’. It then says EVALUATING NODES which means its actually registering it (sometimes it doesn’t “see” the usd I think, unless you click ‘reimport asset’ on the USDImport node).
  • Then I go back to the BRANCH node and I switch the checkbox off.
  • The garment fully appears, and seems to be ‘layered’ but not simulating.
  • If I change the dropdown in the preview scenes settings to add animation ‘quinn cloth jog’, it crashes.

Did you assign the skeleton to the jog animation?

Yes, in the preview scene settings tab I’ve set skeletal mesh asset to SKM_Quinn_CLOTH_5_4. then the Animation Asset dropdown is the one that makes it crash when I click on AS_Quinn_Cloth_JOG_5_4

It doesnt instantly crash. It only crashes when I press PLAY in the top right viewport

Your TRANSFER SKIN WEIGHTS is def “SKM_Quinn” yes? And your Physics Asset is set to PA_Mannequin? And you have both branches set to FALSE, yes?

Does your animation sequence have the skeleton assigned though, like are you able to actually open the animation sequence outside of the cloth asset and see it playing?

Mine is set to SKM_Quinn_CLOTH_5_4 for TransferSkinWeights and the preview. I don’t think physics asset is needed if you’re using the kinematic collider. Mine isn’t set.

Yes both branches are false.

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Ok I’ll try to look at that. Thanks

OH INTERESTING. When I double click on that animation, it says “Could not find the skeleton for Anim 'AS_Quinn_Cloth_JOG_5_4” would you like to choose a new one?". Do I say yes? I’m trying that. And choosing “SKM_Quinn_CLOTH_5_4_Skeleton”. Oh. That makes it go invisible. LOL.

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that would be awesome - my email is toby@virtualfilmer.com

You rock!

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The Panel Cloth Example Files (5.4) tutorial provides a comprehensive guide on using panel cloth in Blender. It covers various aspects such as creating cloth panels, adjusting settings for realistic simulation, and adding textures for visual appeal. The tutorial includes downloadable example files that users can use to follow along and practice. It also offers tips and tricks for optimizing cloth simulations and achieving desired effects. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced Blender user, this tutorial is a valuable resource for mastering cloth simulation techniques.

@WILDLAND-IA-DEV Thanks buddy for posting that!

The problem is - in your video and in the project itself, the clothing isn’t simulated. It’s just skinned. See how it isn’t moving around when the character moves around?

I activated simulation etc in the playmode but that doesn’t simulate it either.

If you compare this to the Project Talisman videos from GDC, where the clothes fully simulate and have layers, its v different.

What I mean is, to actually simulate, the branches at the end need to be false and true. (false and false just bypasses all the nodes we want).

And when I change that last one to true, the garment is def not setup properly. The layers of the garment all intersect etc etc and don’t respect the layers that were setup.

Not sure what is going on really :slight_smile:

Here’s a quick video demo:

I just tried doing my own garment and realized this! Had the same issue with the cloth clipping through and the simulation was very slow.

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