Tutorial: Niagara Fluids: Exploring the 3D Gas Emitter

The Grid3D Gas Master Emitter is the hub for all 3D Gas simulations. In this tutorial we explore the features available inside this emitter.



Hello, the gas master emitter does not exist (UE 5.2)

Same here, it doesnt exist. How to solve the problem?

This is an oversight in 5.2. We have fixed the filtering for 5.3 so the master emitter is easier to find.
For now, you will need to toggle off the Library Only flag in the create dialog.
There is a description at the top of the tutorial mentioned above.


Hey Daniel, our 3D Gas Emitter is always empty in 5.2 and 5.3. Is there some setting we are missing?

One thing you could check is to make sure Heterogeneous Volumes are on in your project. It should be on by default, but perhaps if a project has been migrated from an earlier engine version it has not been set? It’ll be in your project settings.

If that is true, make sure you are using the latest templates. To confirm, make a new one from scratch and see if that one shows up.

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Daniel! That did it! Thank you!

That setting was off. I was stuck on this for weeks. Thanks for responding. Excited to start working with these effects!

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Sorry for interrupting, but I have the same problem explained above. Gas emitter is missing, even though Heterogenous Volumes in project settings is enabled. I’m using the latest version, 5.3.2. Is there any other possible solution for this?

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Are you able to create a new system from the templates in the creation tool?

It is worth trying a brand new system as a base line. If that works then compare the settings on the volume renderer on your system. If that doesn’t work either then I’ll need to know a little more about your setup etc.

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Sorry, Daniel, my bad. I’m new to Unreal Engine 5. I didn’t know that fluid plugin has to be enabled first. It’s working perfectly fine now. Thank you for the help!

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No worries at all! I’m glad you got it working.

I am running 5.3.2-29314046+++UE5+Release-5.3 and do not see the Grid 3D Gas Emitter node in this build. Was it removed?

The functionality of the Grid 3D Gas Emitter has been folded into the Grid 3D Gas Master Emitter. Rather than having separate templates to demonstrate the capabilities available we decided to incorporate all of them into one emitter so the features could be mixed and matched much easier.

The Grid 3D Gas Emitter is still in the plugin for backwards compatibility, but it is no longer exposed and will not receive any future updates.

In 5.2 whenever I change the local pivot it just moves the entire system around instead of the emitter relative to the bounds. Can’t seem to figure out why this happens.

Yeah, the local pivot defines where the internal origin is for the simulation. As the source gets transformed into the uvw space of the grid, the local pivot will alter where that space is centered. If you want the emitter to move, move the particles or the location of the spherical source.

Hi Daniel! I’m having an issue where my gas emitter particles disappear when I move farther from them. I’m trying to render some smoke effects in the distance but when I move away from it (both in camera and in viewport) they seem to disappear after a set distance. Anyway I can turn that off ? Thanks

My first guess would be to check any scalability settings you have. In Niagara you may have some distance culling being applied. The other thing to check is the resolution on any distance fields being used as collisions. You may notice them become courser/larger than you expect as you move further away from them.

Hey, Daniel. I placed one Niagara fluids gas smoke in dust weather like Ultra Dynamic Sky,and the smoke is so clear. Is there anything else I haven’t set up? How to use niagara fluids to simulate smoke in a situation with low visibility?

Hello, this was an issue with Heterogeneous Volumes not being composited with volumetric fog. This issue, among others, has been addressed in the 5.4 version of the engine. Give the preview version of 5.4 a spin to see if it addresses your issue.

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@DanPearson Hi! I’m having some trouble with my 3d gas master effect not appearing sometimes. I’ve noticed when I try to spawn it in mid-game (in the editor) it will say it was spawned in the debugger, but you occasionally won’t be able to actually see it. It seems to correlate with the engine scalability settings where maybe 1/10 times it doesn’t appear on low scalability settings, but it’s more like 5/10 times it won’t appear in high or epic scalability settings. It also doesn’t appear whatsoever in the packaged version of the project which is a huge problem. I can’t figure out what could be causing this or how to fix it so any tips or advice would super helpful.

(Edit: I’m not sure exactly what did it, but I solved it by changing the mesh renderer back to particle instead of emitter, turning on heterogeneous volumes in the project settings as well as the emitter itself, and setting the volume renderer’s render visibility to 1. Idk which one specifically did the job, but it seems to work for me.)