I recreated my problem with third person template, why does he turn back to 0,0,0 whenever I move to fly? (See the video)
its hard to see whats going on in the video since you cant see my button presses, but whenever I ‘MoveUp’ he turns back to 0,0,0 as you can see in the print statement.
I think you have Q or Z bound to other actions related to turning the character. I get just what you have when I use down arrow for down, because that’s already bound to ‘about face’.
If you hold S and Q I would expect you to travel up and backwards, and when you release S but continue holding Q stay facing backwards and travelling up. But instead he faces forwards, if that makes sense?
Ok, now that IS a problem with ‘orientation to movement’… It’s because the guy thinks he’s walking he turns around. You have to be able to make him fly without walking.