Turning back to 0,0,0 whenever I move to fly?

Maybe I have to disable the orient when flying or something…

Great! ( NOT )

When going up AND moving in a direction it all looks good. Its just when you dont move and only go up and down, he rotates back to 0

Are you able to reproduce the issue now?

You are facing 0,0,0 so it doesnt show if it works, sorry if I am not making much sense

I spent all morning trying to fix this to no avail, most youtube flying orients the character to the follow camera to fly around which is not what I want. Thanks for spending so much time trying, if you think kf anything I would love to know

Yes, I see the problem. I will have to think about it. There are other tuuts on utube which spend a lot of time covering animations, but also cover this. I don’t know if they address the issue specifically.

I will come back if I find something interesting.

I think your idea of turning off orientaton when flying is worth a try…

I just woke up and managed to give this a try… IT WORKED!

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Excellent :smiley: