Turn Static Mesh into Lanscape?

I have a mountian range that i created in sketchup, how would i go about turning this from a static mesh into a landscape within UE4, or are there any external programs i would be able to use?

You cant turn a mesh into landscape directly. You’ll need to create a heightmap using that mesh in an external program and then use that heightmap to create the landscape. You can use XNormal to do this but you’ll also need another mesh(a plane in the size of the landscape) to project the height information.

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I would also Like to know if/how this could be done. The answer here doesn’t necessarily answer the question because this method only works if you want to convert a height-map onto a rectangle and aren’t torn up about extra landscape edges, or the Engine converting every pixel of height-map into a vertex/meter at default.

Many of us want to know if there is ANY way at all to create non-rectangular or complex 3D objects and USE them as landscape and use the landscape modifying tools on them.

For example; Making a sphere and using it as the terrain [coding your own gravity of course] and STILL being able to use the landscape editing and texturing tools on that object. I have been researching for 2 solid weeks trying to find a good way to create a globe for terrain in unreal and the lack of useful information on it is obnoxiously frustrating.